Thursday, September 23, 2010


I just wanted to share with you all some awesome news on my dad. I just got off the phone with him as he was leaving his follow-up appointment with the surgeon at Northwestern and he shared with me the awesome news that there is NO cancer! What an answer to prayers!! The surgeon was able to completely remove the tumor so there will not be any more treatment needed. He will just continue to recover....stay on anti-seizure meds for a few months, no driving for a month, etc and will be monitored with MRIs (in 3 months, 6 months, then annually) to make sure the tumor doesn't grow back. Micah and I actually arrived in MI yesterday so it has been great to be able to spend some time with my dad...he is doing very well (besides only sleeping an hour to two at night b/c of the steroids he is on, but as he says in light of everything he won't complain about that!)

I again want to say thanks for all your concerns and prayers!!! We are so thankful to God for His grace and healing!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Update on my dad

Well, good news to share on my dad...he is HOME!!!! Again, thank you all so much for your prayers. God has been so gracious! My dad was released from the hospital yesterday and is doing wonderfully! I have spoken to him several times and actually just got off the phone with him a few minutes ago. He is feeling great (surprisingly not even in pain) and even said he feels like his short term memory has already improved (and I've noticed improvements too). He only has a few restrictions right no lifting or exercise, etc. He will return to Northwestern on Thursday for a follow-up. He will get the staples removed and will get his biopsy results. It is amazing to me that after such a major surgery (I mean, it was brain surgery) that 4 days later he is doing so well. Again what a blessing to live in a time and a country where we have access to such great medical care. I would continue to ask for your prayers that this tumor they removed is benign.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Surgery Update

Well, my dad arrived in Chicago last night and headed to Northwestern early this morning. He had to be there around 5 am and had an MRI again prior to the surgery. I probably only have bits and pieces of the whole story as I've been back and forth all day with phone calls and texts. But the bottom line is that the surgery went really well! What an answer to prayers!!!!!! The surgeon was able to remove the entire tumor and he does not feel like there will be any motor skill deficits as an effect of the surgery either. The last time I spoke to my step-mom, Jamie, it was about 4 pm (Phoenix time) and my dad was still in recovery and waiting for a room in ICU. They didn't have a room for him yet as they were all full. Jamie was able to go see my dad and he was still groggy from the anesthesia (and probably on some hefty pain meds as well) but was able to have a conversation with her. She said he was doing well and looked great! He will now be recovering in ICU and then spend about 5 days at the hospital. They will biopsy the tumor and will have the results in 5 days as well. Again we are praying it is benign.

Thanks to SO many of you for your concern, thoughts, and prayers. I am so thankful (as I know my whole family is) for the great support we've all received.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Update on my dad

My dad and step-mom are headed into Chicago tonight for my dad's surgery which is first thing tomorrow morning. He has to be at Northwestern at 5 am (Chicago time) tomorrow and will have another MRI and surgery will begin at 7:30 am. It will be approximately a 5 hour long surgery and the plan is that he will be in the hospital for 5 days. I am so thankful for the support of so many. Between family and friends someone will be at the hospital each day he is there.

As I mentioned before my dad started some anti-seizure meds and steroids last week. We think that the steroids must be helping with the swelling b/c my dad has been feeling like he is better able to think and I've even noticed some improvement. But with that also comes more clarity about what is about to happen with the surgery, etc. It's just such a hard thing to process. I mean within the course of 1 1/2 weeks my dad not only was shocked with news that he has a brain tumor but will be having brain surgery.

We (Corey, Micah, and I) skyped my dad this morning. It's probably the last time I'll talk to him before he has surgery. It was hard to say good-bye, we were both emotional. Why? It's not good-bye, just see ya next week after the surgery. I really want to be in the hospital while he is there but just couldn't make it work. However, Micah and I will be flying to MI one week from Wed and will be able to spend time with my dad shortly after he gets home.

I'd again ask for your prayers for my dad. Specifically you can continue to pray that the surgery will go smoothly and they can completely remove the tumor, that the tumor will be benign, for a full recovery, and for peace and comfort especially for my dad. I'll give you an update tomorrow as soon as we know anything. Thanks for your prayers! God has answered many of our prayers already!

Micah 6 month stats

We were out of town for a week and our pediatrician was gone a week also so we didn't get Micah in for his 6 month check up until about 6 months and 3 weeks. Anyways, here are his stats.

Weight: 17lbs 10 oz (50%)
Length: 27 1/4" (75-90%)
Head Circumference: 17 1/4" (50%)

His percentiles have remainded pretty constant since birth and otherwise his check up went great. Well his doctor did say we need to keep getting him to eat more solids. Easier said than done though.

Our camera is temporarily MIA. I'll have more pics soon.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Prayer Request

Well while we were home (back in MI) this past week we found out some devastating news. Over the past few months my dad had been having some slight memory and other cognitive problems. He went in for an MRI on Friday and they found a brain tumor. Even as I write that it is still hard to believe, it was such a huge shock and huge blow to us all! My dad is 54 (or around there) and otherwise healthy. Anyways, with the long holiday weekend we didn't know anything and had to wait till today (Tues) to find out any news. My dad was actually able to get in to see a neurosurgeon at University of Chicago today! What a huge blessing to be able to get in to a top notch medical center (know for their neuro) on the same day he was referred! Anyways, the tumor is really large (I can't remember for sure but it is something like 2 1/2 inches by 1 inch which for a brain tumor is big) and based on the rate at which it grows they think it has been there for about 10 years. The doctors most immediate concern is that b/c of the tumor and all the swelling my dad could have a seizure. He has been started on steriods and anti-seizure meds. Basically now the treatment is going to consist of surgery to remove the tumor and then biopsy it to find out if it is malignant or benign. My dad will either have the surgery this Friday or they will get a second opinion and then have the surgery the following Friday.

It has been quit a rollercoaster of emotions from shock to worry to sadness to hope to fear and everywhere in between. I am SO thankful we were home to see my dad and spend some time with him. It would have been so hard to be half way across the country and feel so helpless. So for now we will just keep praying. My dad has people all over the country praying for him. If you would too that would be awesome! I know that God hears our prayers!! If you could pray for wisdom in all the decision making, healing for my dad, safety and success during the surgery, for the surgeon, for a full recovery, that the tumor is benign, and for my dad and all my family to be at peace and to trust God! I know that God is in control and that He is our hope! Thanks for your prayers and I will keep you updated!

UPDATE (Wed 9/8/10) My dad was able to get a second opinion today at NorthWestern (in Chicago). Both he and my step-mom really liked the surgeon and they have decided that he will be the doctor who will do the surgery. They both really felt at peace about that decision. My dad is now scheduled for surgery one week from today, so next Wed (9/15/10). Please keep praying for him. I am so thankful for the ways God has already answered so many prayers.l