Thursday, September 24, 2009

17 weeks

Here's an updated picture...still at the awkward stage of feeling like I don't look completely pregnant yet(well, at least to those who don't know I am pregnant). Oh well! I am starting to not fit into any of my pants/shorts, thankfully I wear scrubs to work. No other big updates, still 2 more weeks till my next MD appointment. I think I am finally over the morning sickness though which is a huge blessing! That was definitely not fun. Now the only time I feel sick is when I gag from brushing my teeth! Gotta love it!

Baby Kug is now about 5 ounces and 5 inches from head to bottom. What I don't understand is how this little baby can only weigh 5 ounces and how I could have already gained..well, lets just say a LOT more than 5 ounces!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The World's Best Husband!

There are so many things I love about Corey....I could probably write a book. I am so thankful for such a wonderful husband who is soon-to-be an AMAZING dad!!!

Emails like this put a smile on my face throughout the day.

"You are loved KK (and baby too)!!

Savvy Sale

This past weekend Corey and I went to the Savvy Sale, "a children's consignment event and boutique". We weren't able to go until the tail end of the sale so I wasn't sure if it would be worth it or if it would be really picked over. However, it was the 1/2 price sale so I figured we'd give it a shot. When we arrived (after waiting to get in the doors) you would never have known it was the end of the sale there was SO much stuff left. Because we don't know the sex yet, that obviously limited what we were able to buy.....but nonetheless we found some good deals. Here's what we found.

We ended up getting all this for only $45!!!! We got a baby seat, exersaucer, some books, and few toys!

Baby seat that vibrates/plays music/lights up....only $5.

Exersaucer....practically brand new only $15!

This was Corey's pick of the day! haha If you touch the cow's nose it "moooos" and plays music and vibrates! I told Corey it will probably scare the baby...but we've been having fun with it!

I sterilized and washed everything, so now we just need to start finding room to store all the baby gear. I also just saw on the website that the next Sale is in February so hopefully we can make it to that one too!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

15 Week MD Appointment

Well....not too much new to report from my doctor appointment at 15 weeks. But, I guess that is a good thing, right? This practice (called Southwest Women's Care) has 6 physicians and whoever is on call is the one who delivers the baby. So at each appointment I will see different doctors. Anyways, we met the doctor and heard the heartbeat and everything is still going well. It was short and sweet! I scheduled my next appointment for a month out and also scheduled my ultrasound for 20 weeks!!! So, on October 16 we will be able to find out the sex! Yeah!!! We are so excited!!

Here's some fun facts about baby @ 15 weeks (per
  • Measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple)
  • His/Her legs are growing longer than his/her arms now, and he/she can move all of his/her joints and limbs
  • Although his/her eyelides are fused shut he/she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, he/she is likely to move away from the beam.
And, yes, I must add that Corey has put the last point to the test! :)

Guess, that's about all for the pregnancy news. I was going to post a 15 week picture, but really I look no different than at 14 weeks. I'll wait one more week!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

14 weeks and counting....

Well, today I am 14 weeks pregnant. The first trimester has gone pretty quickly. I am finally starting to get over the morning sickness as well. I still have days I don't feel great, but overall I am starting to feel better! Otherwise, no big updates.

14 weeks