Thursday, January 27, 2011

An apple a day....

It's funny how Micah always discovers when there is something new or even just out of place to find and explore. Yesterday it happened to be the bag of apples I just got from my grandparents that was still sitting on the kitchen floor waiting to be put away. He was excited that not only was this something that could get into but something that he could eat too!

The finished product!!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You know you have a baby/almost todler when...

you open the fridge and find a rubber duck and it doesn't really seem that strange! :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Prayer Request

Last time I asked for prayer it was when we received the shocking and devastating news that my dad had a brain tumor. And I should continue to let you know that he is doing amazing....moreso than any of us could have imagined!! It still almost seems unreal as he is back to his old self and his 3 month MRI looked great! Praise God for his answer to our prayers....

It has been a challenging couple years health wise though. First my aunt was diagnosed w/ breast cancer (she is cancer-free now another praise to God) and then my uncle was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma,and then my dad's brain tumor. That brings me to my current prayer request for my uncle. As we speak my dad is at University of Chicago having his stem cells harvested to donate to my uncle. My uncle will go back to University of Chicago tomorrow and undergo the stem cell transplant soon. Please pray for a safe and successful transplant and recovery. Please pray for full healing for my uncle and for strength and peace for him, my aunt, and the whole family! You can follow their blog by clicking on their link called Trish's health update on the right-hand side of my blog. Thanks for your prayers! God is faithful!

Ephesians 3:20 "Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think...."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

11 Months Old

(Multiple failed attempts at a decent 11 month most 11 month olds this child does not sit still for a minute. Though you can see from the pics above that he enjoys "cooking". I filled a pot with some water and gave him a whisk and spatula and some of his bath toys and even though he ended up soaked he had fun!)

I don't think there are really any big updates since 10 months. He is still sleeping great at night and taking 2 naps/day. He is still eating great....I still don't think we've found anything he doesn't like. He is getting two more top teeth which will make 6 total. He is crawling all over the place, standing on his own, and walking around furniture and behind his push toy. I would guess that by his first bday he will be walking. He jabbers all day long but still his only real word is mama. He loves to get into absolutely everything...still loves the toilet and also likes to play in the fridge and all the cabinets and drawers. Our house usually looks like a tornado blew threw it by the end of the day. He gives kisses, waves bye-bye, pats his head (and will imitate you if you do this), likes to play peek-a-boo, laughs so hard when he is tickled, and crawls like crazy to the door when daddy gets home from work. He is a sweet little guy who is full of energy...we sure do love him!!!!!!

Micah and Reagan cheering on the Chicago Bears, too bad they lost!

Micah also had his first bowling experience this weekend.
I just had to include this pic even though you can't really read it b/c I scored 122 which is awesome for me!

More recent pics of Micah...

Here's a video of Micah walking with his push toy. I apologize for the poor video but as soon as I pull out our camcorder Micah always wants to play with it so it's not easy to get a good video.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland

Ok, so i will start this post by saying that neither Corey nor i are exactly winter type people. However, the problem with that is we now live in MI and unless we want to be hermits for the next few months we're going to have to deal with it or better yet make the best of it. We got probably a little less than 18 inches this past weekend....we were planning Saturday to go downhill skiing with my dad but the road conditions did not permit that. We ended up going cross country skiing closer by. Though I will say that i am not sure the driving conditions were any better as it was pretty much a white-out most of the way....thankfully we were in an SUV. We left Micah with grandma and grandpa (Corey's parents). He actually stayed the night there Friday night as we had a staff Christmas party at church. This was his first overnighter and he did great and had lots of fun!!!!

Saturday am we woke up to was really pretty!

Scrapping off the car before we went skiing.
Reagan decked out in her skiing gear!

Corey decided he wanted to dive into the snow....
and it wasn't long before the girls followed.

Our infamous picture-take one
...and take two.

We had a great day skiing and even enjoyed some hot chocolate by the fire in the lodge afterwards. We then braved the elements (literally) and headed to a local place for lunch. Corey had some BBQ brisket (one of his favorites) and I had a blackened salmon sandwich ( was delicious!). We headed back to my dad's for dessert (dippin' dots) and for a quick wii game with the girls before heading back to pick up Micah.

Sunday afternoon we decided that we'd break Micah in for his first MI winter and take him sledding! We got him nice and bundled up and then took him out in the back yard and then to the church parking lot for his first sledding experience. He wasn't exactly sure what to think at first but I think he had fun. I'm sure next year he'll be a bit more into it.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas 2010

How crazy is it to think that the God of the universe came to earth in the person of Jesus as a baby!!!! That is the reason we celebrate Christmas!!!

It was a special Christmas this year as it was Micah's first Christmas! We got to spend lots of time with family and it was a great Christmas.

The ongoing tradition of gingerbread houses continues!!! Micah sure enjoyed eating the graham crackers!!

The pictures don't really do it justice but if you saw them in person it probably wouldn't be too difficult to guess which one I made and which Corey made. Hint: Corey's looks like a 5 year old did it! haha

The Wednesday evening prior to Christmas we headed up to Gull Lake to celebrate with my mom and family. Kolby and Britton were also able to drive over from Lansing so that was fun to see them too! We had a big turkey dinner and then opened gifts.

We spent Christmas Eve my dad and family. We went over to my dad's early in the morning and opened gifts and then my extended family (grandparents, aunt/uncle, cousins) came over for lunch. We had a Christmas Eve service at The Chapel to end the evening.
Micah with Grammy and Grandad

Micah loved playing with my cousin Collin

If you will notice the gift bag one of Corey's gifts was wrapped in. Haha, I think my dad wrapped this one and wasn't paying much attention when he grabbed this bag for Corey!

We spent Christmas morning at our place just the three of us. We opened a few gifts and made breakfast. Micah had fun unwrapping and then attempting to eat the paper.

Christmas day afternoon we went to Corey's grandpas (on his dad's side) for lunch and to celebrate.

After his grandpas we went back to Corey's parents and his grandma and Uncle came over to join the celebration.

We are thankful for a great Christmas with lots of food, gifts, and family....but most of all we are thankful God sent his Son as a baby born that we may know Him!