Tuesday, April 19, 2011

14 months old

Micah is 14 months old today and he is at such a fun age and is such a fun little boy. Here are some pics of what we have been up to lately....

Micah still loves playing in the kitchen...and yes emptying every cupboard and drawer. He is my little helper (I use that term very loosely). And in case you were wondering, he still loves his spatula and takes it everywhere with him (bed, bath, car rides, walks, etc) He doesn't have a blankie or a stuffed animal, just his spatula.

Micah loves being outside. We did have a few nice days (and even an 85 degree day which we took advantage of by going out for ice cream and down to the beach) but actually awoke yesterday to snow which was depressing. However, we have been spending as much time as we can outside playing and going for walks. Micah loves to dig in the dirt, swing, go on the slides, see the dogs and other kids at the park, and run around. You can see from some of the pics that Micah is still in the stage of putting stuff in his mouth...doesn't matter what it is--dirt, acorns, rocks. I can't wait until some consistently nice weather as we will be spending lots of time playing outside and at the beach.

At the park:

At Silver Beach:

In the backyard:

We have also been doing lots of trips to the curious kids museum and today we even went to dairy queen and played in the play land (yes, one of those germ-infested play areas that before you have kids you say you'll never your your kids play on haha). Micah loves to read but has certain books that he wants to read which we do over and over. If I am sitting on the ground he will get his book, back up to me and plop in my lap. Some of his favorite books involve dogs (he loves dogs....and neither Corey nor I do so no we will not be getting a puppy) he will do his dog (or any animal for that matter) sound (grrrrr) and can point out where the dog is on each page. He also has a book called Good Night Baby Jesus and when we get to the page where baby Jesus is he waves and says hi and gives Jesus a kiss. So cute!!!! He is starting to be able to communicate a little but I can tell he still gets frustrated. He waves hi and bye, signs all done, more, and please, and can say hi, mama, dada, and ball. He is down to one nap per day and he has been sleeping a little later in the morning so it is working out. He'll go to bed around 7:30 and sleep till 7 or 7:30 and then do a nap at noon-ish. He's a fun little guy who is just full of energy and literally doesn't stop until I put him down for a nap/bed.

So....that's our update for now more to come later.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What we've been up to....

Micah continues to be one busy little boy!!!! I am not sure where you draw the line of playing and destroying the house....but he is on the verge! :) Our house literally looks like a tornado blew threw it everyday. I usually try not to worry about the mess and just let him play...I just try to pick up when he is napping and then after dinner Corey will play with Micah so I can again pick things up. However, I will say that by the end of the day I am sick of stepping on stuff and ready for a little organization.

(sorry some of the pics are kinda dark)

We visited the Silver Beach Carousel again this past weekend which Micah loves. However, I think he is partly so happy b/c he just loves being around people. He especially loves other little kids. It is so cute as he gets so excited and will literally run over to another kid and start "talking" to them as soon as he sees them. Usually he gets lots of blank looks as if to say what are you doing....but he doesn't seem to mind. He does this wherever we go and even one of the girls in the nursery this past weekend told me how social Micah is. I think he is going to be quite the extrovert.

Even though it is spring it doesn't feel like it yet....we are trying to patiently wait for some warm weather. But in the mean time we are still trying to get outside when we can. Today when Micah and I were out doing some errands we stopped in at a kids consignment store and he found this talking lawn mower he liked. We decided to try it out when we got home.
(Oh and yes, we do have a pink trash can...it was from a donation to breast cancer. It is funny b/c when we used to live next to the church Corey would always get made fun of on trash day...haha)