Friday, October 23, 2009

21 weeks

Not too much new pregnancy news here...just time for an updated picture. I've been feeling the baby move a little more these days, still no definitive movements, but I am sure that will come soon. Overall I've been feeling good back is starting to hurt though and it's even making it difficult to sleep at night. Guess that just comes with the territory though. I am still kind of able to wear non-maternity clothes. Like I've said before, I wear scrubs to work so that makes that easy. I did buy the Bella Band so I am still able to wear my jeans, etc, however, I'm not sure how long that will last.

Otherwise, Corey and I are enjoying the time we have together as a family of 2 and anticipating this little guy making it a family of 3! It makes me smile....when I leave for work in the morning (Corey walks me out to my car) and when I get home from work at night Corey not only welcomes me but also welcomes home the baby and tells him how much he loves him. We've also been reading him some Bible stories, last night Corey read the baby (from his baby Bible) the story of the 3 wisemen. :)

And, as a side note, the weather here in Phoenix is FINALLY starting to cool down. We had another hot weekend last weekend (100) but it's now back down to the 80's. Doesn't feel too much like fall, but we will be home this year for a white Christmas! :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's a BOY!!!!!!!!

Well, we are very excited to share (not that most of you don't already know) that we are having a BOY!!! We had our ultrasound Friday (10/16/09) and it was very conclusive that this baby is a boy. You can see the pics below. We are SO thankful and SO blessed that this little guy looks completely healthy, all his measurements were right on. Well, besides his feet which the tech said are very large!!!! Typically at 20 weeks they should measure 2.5 cm and his are 3.5 cm. Not exactly sure what that means, lets just hope it doesn't mean he is going to be a big baby! Haha. Corey's parents and sister were able to join us for the ultrasound which was really neat. And we had lots of family and friends anxiously awaiting the big news. Before my appointment was even over I think I had 3 missed calls and a text from my sister (Jori) stating "Hey Sis! I want to know so badly! Hurry it up! Get that gel off your belly:) Call me first. I"ll put it on speaker". Haha! We are SO thankful for everyone's support and for so many people who already love this little guy, he is so blessed!!! I think I only let one tear slip during the ultrasound, I am just so amazed at the miracle of this little life and so thankful that God has so greatly blessed us!! Now I just can't wait to meet this him....half way there, 19 more weeks to wait.

Right click to enlarge. I especially love the bottom left picture of his profile. I could just look at that cute little face all day! :)

Corey is also very excited about having a boy! Not that he/we wouldn't have loved a little girl, but I know he's already thinking about playing ball in the back yard with this little guy!!! What a GREAT dad he will be. Not only is he excited about doing all those great dad-son things, but more so I know he is so committed to raising this boy to be a man of God! What more could I ask, hope, or pray for!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

19 weeks

I had my 19 week MD appointment last week Thursday and all went well. We heard the baby's heartbeat (140 BPM) and the doctor said the baby was a feisty one! He also asked if we are finding out the sex (which we are on Friday....) and he said that he was going to predict what the baby is. It's kinda funny....he said a former patient's husband is a computer programmer so he came up w/ a formula for predicting the baby's sex(Age of mother at conception + month of conception, then do serial subtractions starting with the #9, if the ending number is odd it's a boy and if it's even or zero it's a girl). Anyways, he predicted a boy!! He also wrote it in the chart to make it official and wanted us to make sure we tell the ultrasound tech his prediction (they have bets going on how frequently he is right). So, guess we'll let you know friday whether we're having a feisty boy or a sweet girl! :) haha

Not too much else to update here. I'm pretty sure I've been feeling the baby move. I thought for sure I'd be able to tell but the movements are just very vague...almost like a slight muscle contraction or something along those lines. It has been occurring a little more frequently now though.