I had my 19 week MD appointment last week Thursday and all went well. We heard the baby's heartbeat (140 BPM) and the doctor said the baby was a feisty one! He also asked if we are finding out the sex (which we are on Friday....) and he said that he was going to predict what the baby is. It's kinda funny....he said a former patient's husband is a computer programmer so he came up w/ a formula for predicting the baby's sex(Age of mother at conception + month of conception, then do serial subtractions starting with the #9, if the ending number is odd it's a boy and if it's even or zero it's a girl). Anyways, he predicted a boy!! He also wrote it in the chart to make it official and wanted us to make sure we tell the ultrasound tech his prediction (they have bets going on how frequently he is right). So, guess we'll let you know friday whether we're having a feisty boy or a sweet girl! :) haha
Not too much else to update here. I'm pretty sure I've been feeling the baby move. I thought for sure I'd be able to tell but the movements are just very vague...almost like a slight muscle contraction or something along those lines. It has been occurring a little more frequently now though.
You are so cute pregnant!! :) so.... do you have a boy or a girl in there?? :) I'm so excited for you two! Babies are just a blessing!