(Multiple failed attempts at a decent 11 month picture...like most 11 month olds this child does not sit still for a minute. Though you can see from the pics above that he enjoys "cooking". I filled a pot with some water and gave him a whisk and spatula and some of his bath toys and even though he ended up soaked he had fun!)
I don't think there are really any big updates since 10 months. He is still sleeping great at night and taking 2 naps/day. He is still eating great....I still don't think we've found anything he doesn't like. He is getting two more top teeth which will make 6 total. He is crawling all over the place, standing on his own, and walking around furniture and behind his push toy. I would guess that by his first bday he will be walking. He jabbers all day long but still his only real word is mama. He loves to get into absolutely everything...still loves the toilet and also likes to play in the fridge and all the cabinets and drawers. Our house usually looks like a tornado blew threw it by the end of the day. He gives kisses, waves bye-bye, pats his head (and will imitate you if you do this), likes to play peek-a-boo, laughs so hard when he is tickled, and crawls like crazy to the door when daddy gets home from work. He is a sweet little guy who is full of energy...we sure do love him!!!!!!
Micah and Reagan cheering on the Chicago Bears, too bad they lost!
I just had to include this pic even though you can't really read it b/c I scored 122 which is awesome for me!

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