So, our trip started like this (see pic below!) Micah had a MAJOR diaper explosion on our ride down from the airport. Of course I didn't realize it until we arrived at the people's house who we were staying with. So we showed up at their door and went straight to strip off Micah's clothes and give him a bath (well, a sink bath that is). This picture cracks me up, I love how he's got his arms up and just looks like he's relaxing and enjoying himself.

We had a free afternoon on Saturday so we ventured down to Colorado Springs. If you've never visited it is a beautiful place.

Self portraits

We went to Garden of the Gods and it was really neat! You can hike (which we would have done but didn't have the time) and also drive your car up through the mountains and red rocks. Definitely neat to see the beauty of creation!

So those are a few pics from CO, we'll keep you posted on our other trips.
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