6 months ago our little guy was born and 6 months from now he is going to be one year old. Crazy!!! Micah is doing great, he is such a sweet little boy. Well, I guess he still is a little baby but he is starting to seem like such a big boy. I'll try to give you a brief update on what Micah is up to these days.
As you can see from my attempts at getting a 6 month picture...Micah wanted nothing to do with it, though he did have fun playing with his toes and crumpling up the sign I made.

As you can see from my attempts at getting a 6 month picture...Micah wanted nothing to do with it, though he did have fun playing with his toes and crumpling up the sign I made.

EATING: Still nursing 5 times/day but is also eating about 2-3 ounces of baby food/day. We are still on squash mostly b/c I haven't had time to make anything else. I think I'm going to make sweet potatoes and maybe do avacados this next week. He is doing a little better eating his baby food now though he still won't always go for the bib.

TEETHING: On his 6 month b-day we noticed his first little tooth poking through on is bottom gum. He is constantly chewing on anything he can get his mouth on and usually has his fingers in his mouth. It is hard for me to tell if he is more crabby from teething. Last night he was up at about 3 am crying. I let him cry for a little while but then realized that maybe his teeth were hurting so I gave him some tylenol to no avail. I finally just gave in and fed him and that did the trick.
SLEEPING: Micah goes to bed at 7:30 pm and is still waking up at around 5 am to eat. I guess I shouldn't complain b/c I know this is still almost a 10 hour stretch but I wish he could just wait to eat until he is up for the day b/c after he eats he will then sleep till 6 or 7 am.
ROLLING OVER: This little guy constantly rolls over, but still only from his back to this tummy. He is getting really strong now b/c when he is on his tummy he can lift his body up by straightening his arms.
THINGS MICAH LIKES/DOES: He still will use most of his toys in short doses, this includes the bouncy seat, bumbo, swing, exersaucer, playmat. He is also really good at holding toys now, though I think he is starting to learn the game where he drops a toy and we will pick it up. He wanted to play with my keys this morning after the service at church and I don't know how many times he threw them on the ground for me to pick up. We read him his Bible every night before bed and also attempt to read to him during the day but he has a pretty short attention span. He likes to be tickled and laughs so hard when we do, it is very cute!! Micah also does a "fake cough". It is so funny!! I think that he realizes that when he coughs he gets attention (like me patting him on the back and asking him if he is ok) so now he will fake cough to get attention too. At times he will also hold his breath, again I think to get attention. I am not a big fan of that trick! :) Micah still loves the water..whether it be his bath or the pool. And he still LOVES to splash. I think it is his goal when I give him a bath to empty all the water out of his tub!

Micah also loves to be outside, unfortunately the weather here is still way too hot (110s). Sometimes we'll all do an evening walk when the sun has gone down (though the temp is still 100+). He also loves to be in the BJORN and just hang out and watch whatever we are doing (cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, etc). Though I will say it was much easier when he just wanted to watch, now he wants to partake in the activity by grabbing at everything. Another fun activity Micah likes is "typing" on the keyboard. We have a spare keyboard so I think we're going to get it out for him to play with(that will also help keep our keyboard in tact).

Micah also loves to be outside, unfortunately the weather here is still way too hot (110s). Sometimes we'll all do an evening walk when the sun has gone down (though the temp is still 100+). He also loves to be in the BJORN and just hang out and watch whatever we are doing (cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, etc). Though I will say it was much easier when he just wanted to watch, now he wants to partake in the activity by grabbing at everything. Another fun activity Micah likes is "typing" on the keyboard. We have a spare keyboard so I think we're going to get it out for him to play with(that will also help keep our keyboard in tact).
Those are a few Micah updates for now, keep posted for more to come! :)
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