Anyways, our first stop was in Yuma (at about the half way mark) to feed Micah and get some In-N-Out Burger. If you've never heard of or had In-N-Out Burget it is only on the west coast. We typically don't eat fast food but this is good stuff...we have one right down the road from us but we are pretty good and don't eat there very often. Their menu consists of burger, fries, and milk shakes and that is it. Here is Micah with his official In-N-Out Burger hat.

Next stop Coronado Island! Corey and I were there about one year ago. We were talking about our trip there last year b/c I was just a month or so pregnant w/ Micah. Now this year instead of being pregnant we got to take our little guy there. The weather was cool about 65 and cloudy, actually San Diego has been having an unseasonably cool summer. I sure didn't complain though as it beats 115 degrees!!! We didn't spend much time at the beach, just walked along the ocean and walked down the Hotel Del Coronado. Micah was having a good time until he picked up a first full of sand and threw it in his eye.

We stayed with friends while we were in CA so after the beach we went back to their place for dinner. Tuesday we woke up early (oh wait, that is nothing new these days!) to head to SeaWorld. The weather was perfect probably 70 degrees but cool in the shade. There really is no where that has better weather than San Diego if you ask me. Micah had a good day at SeaWorld. It was a long day for him as he wasnt' able to get his usual naps. He took several short naps in his Moby Wrap but there was just too much going on around him to sleep. He seemed very interested but I am sure it was mostly just all the different colors. He really liked the fish aquariums.

The Shark Exhibit has a moving sidewalk type thing where you go through a tunnel and the sharks are all around you. It was pretty cool.

We saw 2 shows the first of which is a new show called Blue Horizons, it combines the dolophins/whales with acrobatics. You can see Micah was intently watching.

More fun....

The Arctic Exhibit consisted of Beluga whales, penguins, walrus, sea lions, polar bears and more. I love the pic below where Micah is face-to-face with the walrus.

Here are a few pics of Micah having fun with daddy! You'll notice that in lots of the pictures Micah was too enthralled with whatever was around him to look at the camera. I don't think these first few photos look like Micah but they are cute nonetheless.

Corey thought I needed my picture taken next to this cow! :)

If you look closely you may see that Corey is standing on one leg...ahhhh, why you may ask yourself? Oh, he is just imitating the flamingos b/c this is how they stand! He sure is something! :)

**Fun Fact: Do you know why Flamingos are pink? It is b/c they eat shrimp. This may come in handy if you are ever on Jeopardy or Millionaire! :)
And of course, what would SeaWorld be w/o Shamu. It is amazing how BIG those killer whales are. The second show we saw was called Believe and it was the Shamu show. This was at the end of our evening and Micah had pretty much had enough. Corey had to take him out so he could walk around with him but it also was a good show.

And that was our trip in a nutshell. It was a good trip, just wish we had more time. We were talking about how in Micah's 5 months of life he has been to both coasts and been in both the Atlantic and Pacific ocean. Not to mention he has already been on 3 plane rides and next week we are going to Colorado so that will make four. As a side note, Corey is searching for a job right now so that is why we are going to CO. We will be visiting a church as a potential job for Corey. Anyways, we'd definitely appreciate your prayers right now as we seek God's guidance and wait on Him!
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