It's been quite a year for us full of lots of changes but the best change of course was the birth of our little guy. Hard to believe it was one year ago...yet at the same time it's hard to remember what our life was like (or what we did with all of our spare time) before him.
One of multiple failed attempts to get Micah with his 12 month old sign....notice the paper he is crinkling in his hands.
I'll give you a recap of Micah at 1 year old.
STATS:( I need to find the sheet i got from micha's appointment, i only remember his weight off hand)
--Weight:21# 9oz
--Eye Color: we still aren't exactly sure they are a mix of blue/brown/grey
His 1 year check up went good...well of course besides the shots. He is a trooper though and just cried until I held him and then he was good. Nothing new to report except that he is apparently getting his 15 month molar. Which leads me into the next category....
TEETH: At one year old Micah has 6 teeth (the upper front 4 and the bottom front 2) and like I said a molar that is coming in.
SLEEP: We had a rough spell for a little while where Micah was waking up at 5 am every morning. Let me tell you, that gets old fast. Lately we've been back on schedule (thankfully) of going down around 7 pm and waking up between 6:30-7. Micah naps around 9 am (usually for one hr) and at 2 pm (usually around 2 hrs) but lately there have been a few times where he won't sleep for a morning nap (and then he'll do down around 12) so i'm sure it won't be too long until he's down to one nap/day. Oh and he also finally got a crib a few days ago...poor kid was in a pack-n-play for the first year of his life. :)
EATING: Micah will basically eat anything...though he definitely loves carbs. He is starting to get more particular though I don't think it is b/c he doesn't like something I think he just wants to decide what he eats (or doesn't). We are working with him to NOT throw his sippy cup on the floor when he is done and to NOT toss his food on the floor when he doesn't want it. I am no longer nursing him, he nursed until he turned 13 months. It is also really cute (and actually fairly helpful) b/c if he is thirsty (or sometimes he'll do it when he wants food) he will click his tongue over and over.
OTHER THINGS MICAH LIKES: Micah loves to play (what kid doesn't?). He loves to roughhouse with daddy, he loves his baths, he loves to clap, play peek-a-boo, pat his head, and wave bye-bye. Micah loves buttons. He loves the buttons the dishwasher and microwave, he loves cell phones and buttons(on the microwave, dishwasher, computer, etc), he loves to turn the lightswitches on and off, and he loves to open and close the garage door. Since we've had some nice days lately we've been going on lots of walks and going to the park which Micah loves. He loves the slide and the swing. I also got us a family pass to the curious kids museum. Micah is probably a little young but he still has lots of and it gives us something else to do. Micah's most recent obsession is a kitchen spatula or spoon. He takes it everywhere with bed/naps, in the bath, on our walks outside, in the car, and will carry it around the house everywhere. When he doesn't have it he will walk to the utensil drawer (which he can't open b/c it is heavy) and make the noise he makes to indicate he wants something. It's kinda funny but at the same time when I'm trying to get him dressed or feed him he is not happy when I have to take it from him. He also loves to pretend he is cooking. I will get the pots and pans out along with lots of utensils and the spices and he will go to town. Another thing he has been doing more of is cuddling. He isn't much of a cuddler but often if I ask him if he wants to be my "cuddlebug" he'll lay his head on my shoulder and snuggle. It's cute.
PERSONALITY: Micah is such a sweet little boy. He loves people and is very friendly and outgoing (atleast it appears that way at age one). He still loves the nursery (though he is a little more hesitant when i drop him off now) and our play dates. He is starting to get into the stage of wanting his way and letting you know when he is not happy when he does not get it. I know it's normal but I am not sure I'm ready for that yet. It's been nice to not really have to discipline over the past year.
MILESTONES: By his first birthday Micah was pretty much only walking instead of crawling. He now cruises all over the place and yes, has lots of bumps and bruises. He continues to jabber all the time, his main word is mama though he has said dada a few times too.
We are so thankful for our little Micah and his first year of life!!!!!
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