i will start this blog with 2 prefaces. first of all if you are wondering why i am not using proper punctuation and none of my letters are capitalized it is because micah broke the shift key on our laptop. my second preface is that life has been busy so i am a bit behind on posting. we recently purchased a home and moved in the week before micah's birthday. we are in the process of settling and doing some house projects but are very thankful to be in and have a place of our own. with all that being said i was happy that corey's parents were gracious enough to host micah's first birthday party. i am sure we could have pulled it off in our new place but that was one less thing to have to worry about. so that preface leads me into the first picture. i had great intentions of having a safari theme for micah's party. well since life was so busy i never got my act together for the safari theme. about a week before the party my mom said she had a "one"cake pan so i figured hey that is good enough. anyways, i should have figured that the one cake pan she had was from 1983. yes, the year i turned one and yes, the same pan she used to make my cake when i turned one. i thought you could use a picture of the pan for effect. so with that being said you can see what i had to work with so i guess the cake i made didn't turn out too bad. haha
it was a good party. pretty low key...just had appetizers, opened gifts, ate cake and ice cream, and just hung out. since we are back home in mi now and most all of our family is here we decided we would only invite family to the party and at that only immediate family. there were many others we would have loved to be there to celebrate but as it was we already had 20+ people there.

this picture pretty well sums up micah at his first party--tired!!! he wasn't a very happy camper that day which isn't like him especially when he is around so many people. he was starting to fall asleep while opening gifts so we hurried in order to let him try his cake. we totally expected him to dig right in (as i'm sure he would do now if i gave him a piece of cake) but he was tired and fussy and wanted to nothing to do with it.

these next pictures of all the cousins just crack me up...look at all the expressions on their little faces
later that night corey was the "celebrity pastor"at a local professional basketball game. i told corey that i could probably do a blog post entitled "you know you live in a small town when..." and that this would be one of the entries! haha it is pretty cool though b/c the owner of the team is a Christian and there have been some cool stories to come out of this. anways, corey had practiced with the team earlier in the week and made his professional bball debut that night. the game didnt' start until 7pm (which is micah's bedtime) so we only made it through the 3rd quarter until i decided micah had had enough for one day. We had fun watching Corey get in the game though!
it was a great day...thanks to everyone who made micah's first birthday so special and thanks to micah for being such a special little guy!!!!!!
looks like it was a fun day and such cute pics of all the cousins :) I bet it is fun having Shelby a lot closer now!