Well about 6+ months ago my mom had been asking if we wanted to go on vacation with her. They have a time share and they have used it to go to Atlantis (on Paradise Island in the Bahamas) several times. She booked the vacation a while back and it ended up that neither Jeff (my step-dad) or Jori (my sister) were able to go. So it was just going to be my mom and Lily (sister) and she thought it would be fun to have Micah and I join them. Life was crazy 6 months ago and we didn't even know where we'd be living at this time so I just kinda kept it as a thought. So with that being said we continued to talk about the vacation and tentatively plan on it. About 3 weeks prior to the trip when we were talking something dawned on me and I realized that I didn't have a passport for Micah. In order to expedite a passport it takes 2-3 weeks and we only had 2 1/2 weeks till the trip...no to mention the extra money it was going to cost not even knowing if we'd get it in time. I went back and forth and eventually decided to go ahead and attempt to get the passport. If it arrived we'd go and if not we'd stay home. Well, I am happy to say that one week later we had the passport in hand and a week after that we were on our way to the Atlantis.
We had a great trip and I am very thankful we were able to go. The resort is beautiful and there are just so many little details that make it a great place. It's hard to really describe but obviously the theme is centered on Atlantis . So basically the whole outside resort has tons of aquariums and marine life. It is neat b/c you can walk around outside and there are tons of lagunes with sharks/sting-rays/fish, etc and you can see them either from the top or you can see them through the glass on a lower level or in different caves. Like I said, kinda hard to explain. There is also a water park on site. My favorite ride was one where you go through the shark tank on a tube. I think Lily and I rode almost every ride. Micah's favorite things on the trip were the casino, the waterfalls/waterfountains, and the elevator buttons. It was hilarious but he would just squeal and wave his arms with excitement.
Any of you who have traveled with babies/kids know that it is not an easy task. Thankfully on the way down my mom and Lily were a huge help. We do fly stand-by though (b/c my step-dad is a pilot) so it took us 4 flights to get there and on the way back Micah and I had to do 3 flights by ourself b/c my mom and Lily couldn't get on the flight at the same time. That was something...traveling with Micah, my suitcase, his diaper bag, stroller, carseat, and carseat base. Most people are super helpful though so somehow we managed. Micah for the most part traveled pretty well...though on the plane he did have fun trying to pull the lady's hair in front of him, grabbing guy's laptop next to me, shredding the airline magazine...you get the picture! Let's just say the trip back home was exhausting.
We had a great trip though! It was nice to be able to go to such a nice resort and enjoy some warm weather!!! It was also great to be able to spend some time with my mom and Lily. Lily was awesome with Micah and he had lots of fun playing with her. I was even able to get some relaxing in the sun in and actually read an entire book!!!! Micah started crawling (well, only a few little crawls followed by army crawls) when we were down there too. As much fun as we had we were also excited to get back to see Corey! We both missed him tons!!!
Here are some pics of our trip!
We even had Jamba Juice! Everything down in the Bahamas is so expensive though. I think that the small drink was about $6.

The grounds of the resort were beautiful

Micah liked "swimming" in the pool

Here are some of the fountains that he just LOVED!

Ahhhh....the ocean! It is so beautiful!!! The water was aqua and crystal clear. We didn't actually spend a whole lot of time at the beach. We would usually go for a morning walk on the beach but most of our time in the afternoon we spent at the pools (which was easier at this age with Micah).

This was a rope bridge that went over a laguna with hammer head sharks.

Hammer Head Shark

The Royal Towers. That bridge looking thing that connects the two towers is actually a suite! I told Corey maybe we could go back and stay there for an anniversary! :)

These were the time shares that we stayed in....they were on the marina.

Micah playing peek-a-boo with Aunt Lily

Micah's first time crawling

This is one of the slides that goes through the shark tank. So all the water you see is where the sharks are. Kinda crazy one of the workers told us that last year a shark actually jumped (which I guess sharks don't normally do) into the slide. So...now they have that green fence where previously they didn't. Thankfully the slides hadn't opened so no one was hurt.

Micah liked "swimming" in the pool
Here are some of the fountains that he just LOVED!
Ahhhh....the ocean! It is so beautiful!!! The water was aqua and crystal clear. We didn't actually spend a whole lot of time at the beach. We would usually go for a morning walk on the beach but most of our time in the afternoon we spent at the pools (which was easier at this age with Micah).
This was a rope bridge that went over a laguna with hammer head sharks.
Hammer Head Shark
The Royal Towers. That bridge looking thing that connects the two towers is actually a suite! I told Corey maybe we could go back and stay there for an anniversary! :)
These were the time shares that we stayed in....they were on the marina.
Micah playing peek-a-boo with Aunt Lily
Micah's first time crawling
This is one of the slides that goes through the shark tank. So all the water you see is where the sharks are. Kinda crazy one of the workers told us that last year a shark actually jumped (which I guess sharks don't normally do) into the slide. So...now they have that green fence where previously they didn't. Thankfully the slides hadn't opened so no one was hurt.
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