Another great thing about moving back to MI is that we are not only closer to family but also closer to some of our friends(of course we did have to leave some good friends in Phoenix as well)!! Some of our really good friends, Craig and Angela, live in Indy and I can't believe that it has been over 3 years since we have seen them. We actually stopped in Indy on our move to Phoenix and stayed with them and that unfortunately is the last time we've seen them. Corey met Craig and Angela at Butler, Craig majored in finance (as did Corey) and Angela in pharmacy and they were both involved in Campus Crusade. Corey and Craig actually lived together the year after they graduated. Craig and Angela were married less than 2 months before we were (we were at their wedding and they were at ours) and had their first baby (a little boy, Nolan) about 3 months before Micah was born. SO, anyways....all that to say they are great friends and I'm glad to be closer so we can see them and our little guys can get to know each other.
Craig, Angela, and Nolan came up this past Friday night. On Saturday we ventured down to Silver Beach Pizza for lunch and then over to the carousel. Sunday we went to church (this was Corey's first time preaching at The Chapel so it was cool they got to be here for that) and then had lunch and they headed back to Indy. We hope to be able to make a trip down to Indy sometime not too far off too!
Here are some pics from our fun weekend...
And this is what happens when Corey has the camera while riding on the carousel...we get a picture of the velociraptur
Oh yeah, and about 10 pics that looked like this!
Nolan turns one in about 2 weeks so here are a few pics of Micah giving him his bday gift and also the boys playing

Nolan is already crawling and Micah is not far off. He is definitely ready to get where he wants to go...even if I'm not.

Micah had a BLAST playing with Nolan. He is such a people person and just LOVES being around others especially other kids. He was loud and full of energy all weekend, he was definitely in his element. It was a great weekend and we can't wait to get together soon.
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