Ok, I'm sure you have. My day started out on a good note. Micah has been sleeping great which has been awesome for all of us. He's been going to bed at the usual time of 7:30 and sleeping till about 6:30ish. So, this morning I actually woke up before Micah and was even able to get a shower before Corey left for work. It pretty much went down hill from there. Ok...so it wasn't that bad, just one of those days that makes you say tomorrow I'm staying home.
As I said before Micah is crawling and pulling himself up....he's absolutely into everything!!! I had scheduled his 9 months pictures for today at 11 am and of course a few hours before that he fell and gashed his forehead on the register (which we try to discourage him from playing with but he loves them). Oh well, I figured that would be a pretty accurate picture of what he looks like at 9 months.

We arrive at the studio on time which is pretty impressive in and of itself. There was only one girl there to take pics and run the counter. Anyways, there was an angry customer there and she told me it was going to be a while. So an hour later we were finally on our way to get some pictures. She wanted Micah to sit on the red dot so she could get some shots. Well, surely she has taken enough pictures of babies to know that they don't just sit. The second I put him down he was off to explore. Haha. She even tried putting him in a box which he was by no means happy about. I finally told her as long as she can get one decent picture than we'll be happy. We did end up getting a couple cute pics and an hour and a half later we were on our way.
Next we went to the car and as I was putting Micah in his car seat I looked behind me as I was going to put my stroller in the trunk and it was not there. Huh? I was really confused I walked behind the car thinking I had put it there but no luck. My first thought was that someone stole it. I know, I know...but what else could have happened to it. The lady in the van next to me rolled down her window and pointed across the parking lot probably 100-200 feet away at my stroller that was blowing in the wind. Seriously? Yep. There was another van that was chasing my stroller and a lady finally caught up to it. I got Micah out of his carseat and went to meet her as she was bringing my stroller back to me. Come to find out she was freaking out b/c she thought there was a baby in it. I have now learned my lesson and will use the breaks.
So, it was now 1 pm and even though we'd had a rough last couple hours Micah doesn't nap until 2. I thought I could make a quick TJ Maxx run. Well Micah was just not having it. He was screaming and throwing a major fit b/c he wanted out of his stroller. So, I put the picture frames I wanted to buy on top of his stroller and attempted to get him out. In the mean time one of the frames fell on the floor and shattered. So, after finding a worker to tell them and offering to pay for it, I decided that we'd both had enough and I'd go back another time alone! :)
To top it all off, Micah fell asleep in the parking lot and of course got just enough sleep on the less than 10 minute drive home to not want to go back down.
Like I said, just one of those outings that makes you say I think I'll stay home tomorrow!:)