Micah's second week of life again consisted of sleeping, eating, and lots of diaper changing. I can tell this will be a consistent theme for a while. He is starting to get his days and nights back in order. If we'd let him he'd literally sleep all day and stay awake all night. So, we've been waking him approximately every three hours during the day (though there are times when 3 hours and 1 minute have passed and he wakes up on his own to eat) and trying to keep him awake after each feeding which is NOT an easy task with a newborn. It has been helping though, he is waking up every 3 hours at night but after he eats I lay him back in his bassinet and he will either fall right back to sleep or cry for a few minutes and then go back to sleep. I think the biggest struggle is trying to keep him awake long enough to eat a full meal!
Micah got circumsized on Tuesday so he had a rough day, he is healing well though. At his appointment he weighed 7# 10.5 oz (at 11 days old) so he is gaining good weight and doesn't need to go back to the MD until his one month check up. He is still a tiny thing but I think he is starting to fill out a little. He is also really strong...he hates getting his diaper changed and when we do change it he will kick and squirm. You can see from his 2 week picture the smirk on his face. He has the cutest little smile, though it is usually when he is sleeping and I say it is just an involuntary smile. It is fun to see how he has been changing even in just one weeks time. As fun as it will be to see him grow and reach so many milestones he is just so sweet right now!
Corey's parents are in town for the month of March. They rented a condo in Scottsdale and have not only enjoyed meeting and spending time with Micah but have also been a huge help to us (cleaning, cooking, etc). We have also been very blessed as friends and people from church have been bringing us meals! What a blessing that is!
I just realized I didn't take many pictures this past week, I'll have to do better but here are a few for you to see our little man!

Grandma and Grandpa Kugle

3 Generations: Dennis, Corey, and Micah

One of his favorite past-times...swinging!

Another favorite past-time...spending time with dad!

Haha...this picture cracks me up! Naps are for wimps? I think not, this little guy loves his naps! And this is a new favorite sleeping position...I'm looking at him right now in his video monitor sleeping and he is in this same position. What a tough life he lives! :)
Oh my gosh, that last picture is about as cute as they come! What a sweet boy, want to ship him out this way??