This is a random post of some of the things we have been up to lately. First, a big update...the last two nights Micah has slept for 5 1/2 hours straight!!! Yeah!!!! Now, I am not getting too excited yet as I know this might not be a pattern however, it was encouraging to know that he can at least sleep longer than 2 1/2 hours at night. The only bad thing is the past two days he has been very fussy during the day! I know he (well, me for that matter too) is still working on getting things figured out. Guess life as a 5 1/2 week old is pretty tough! :) He is definitely continuing to I said last time he doesn't even seem like a little baby any more. He is making more noises and also will look at you or an object instead of just staring into space. He is really strong too, especially his legs. When he is mad (like when he is getting his diaper changed) he will stiffen his legs and refuse to bend them. His neck is also getting stronger too, he is able to lift his head when he is on his tummy and move his head from laying on one side to the other. Lastly, it is really funny to see him stretch. Like when he is done eating he will arch his back and throw his arms over his head and stretch like that was just really hard work. It is very cute. Here's a few pics for you.

As you can tell he has lost most all of the hair on top of his head.

Micah attended his first church picnic on Sunday...he basically slept thru the whole thing. He did get his own name tag though.

Destined to be a Cubs fan? I think father like son! :) Corey and his dad went to a Cubs spring training game and Micah really wanted to go! Haha....maybe next year.
train that boy right!!! GO CUBS GO! :) (hopefully he's not destined for disappointment)