He has become more alert and a little less sleepy during the day. After he is fed he will often stay awake and just look around to see what is going on. He has really dark blue eyes, so dark you can barely see the pupils. Corey has blue eyes and I have brown so we'll see what color he ends up with.

It's a funny thing what lack of sleep can do to you. There was one occasion on which we supplemented Micah with some formula. After we fed him I was concerned because I thought we had overfed him. A couple of days ago I was on the phone with Shelby and I was telling her about feeding him the formula and how we fed him 20 ounces. She acted shocked that we actually fed him that much but I told her he gulped in right down. I then went and talked to Corey about this and he said something along the lines of "Kasey, 20 ounces is the size of a bottle of pop". Oh yeah, so I guess what we actually fed him was 20 ml's. I was sure to text Shelby and clear up the confusion! :) One more incident a few mornings ago...Corey was grabbing a class from the cupboard and as he got it down a bunch of water spilled out of it onto the stove. He then proceded to ask who put the cup away half full of water. I informed him it was either my mom (b/c she was here to visit Micah and help us out) or it was me (due to lack of sleep).
Guess it was the later! :)
And lastly, I am very thankful for technology. With all our family in MI it of course was sad that they could not be here to welcome Micah into the world. We however traded lots of emails, texts, picture mail, and even Skyped. Micah was able to meet lots of his family via Skype. We were skyping with Shelby and Riley and Shelby asked Riley who the baby was. She proceded to inform us that Micah was "Baby Jesus". Haha, too cute! Shelby even said later that night Riley prayed for "Baby Micah Jesus"! :)
Kasey--I have to tell you that Blake is an amazing sleeper, but I think it's only due to the swaddling blanket a friend receommended for me. It worked wonders for her kids and after having 2 kids that I also had to let cry it out, this has been amazing! It's called the 'miracle blanket' and really is a miracle! I would definitely invest in one....and the sooner, the better! that way he can get used to it.....it looks a bit like a straight jacket when you put it on them, but they seem to love it!! Good luck! and keep writing down all the hilarious stories because nothing can quite replicate a lack of sleep like having a new born! COngratulations again!