Our sweet little Adelyn is 7 months old now! It has been a full past few months for her--from starting solids to learning to scoot/crawl to sleeping through the night (YEAH right....I was just dreaming for a second!:)
6 Month Stats:
Height: 25" (14.78% which by the way I'm pretty sure this measurement is not correct)
Weight: 14 lb 7 oz (18%)
HC: 16" (25%)
She is definitely a little peanut. She had actually lost some weight and dropped on her growth chart so I took her back in this week for a weight check and she had gained and was up to 15lb 4 oz which was good. As I said she is moving now and although its not a full fledge crawling she can get across a room to get what she wants. So that means now I'm having to be a bit more careful and also teach Micah which toys of his are good for her to play (ie chew) on. If she has something she shouldn't he will tell her that isn't safe for her. She is a squirmy little thing as well....she is always on the go! Around 6 months we also started some baby food but after a few weeks of trying and her not having anything to do with it I started her on chopped up solids and she really likes it. Avacados, banannas, blueberries, peeled grapes, sweet potatoes, cheese,etc. My sister commented the other day "I guess you aren't waiting a week between foods" oh yeah, guess not (that's only a first child thing, right?) but no allergies yet to report. I'd definitely say her favorites right now are blueberries.
Hmmm....what else is new with her? She pretty much continues the same sleep pattern. Yes, she is 7 months and still most nights waking up twice to eat. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and wonder...will I EVER get another full night of sleep again? I know, I know....its a season but a tiring one! I can let her cry when she wakes up and she will cry and cry and cry for a long time or I can feed her and within 10 minutes she is back to sleep. So right now I'm opting for the later.
Otherwise our sweet little Adelyn is just that--sweet!!! I love her smile and love seeing and hearing her laugh. I love seeing her interact with Micah too! We all around just love her!!!
Micah said Adelyn was hungry and then put on my nursing cover! Haha
Can't believe she is getting so big - 7 months - wow!! I think it was last summer when L was 6 months I finally had had it with getting up with her in the night - she cried it out one morning and she has slept all night ever since. Not that easy for every baby :) but maybe she is close - with all you guys have been thru with sleep I can't wait to hear that you are sleeping well again :)