Thursday night we headed down the the carousel. We were driving just at the perfect time to see the was beautiful. Being down by the beach always make me look forward to some warmer weather....I'm sure we'll be spending LOTS of time down there this summer.
Micah loves this replica of the old Silver Beach....mainly b/c there are cars/trucks/airplanes, etc.

Daddy and was her first time on the carousel. She didn't cry so we'll take the to mean she liked it. :)

They were giving away free popcorn...we had our fill and Micah kept asking for "more more".
Even though there is not a lot to do around here in the winter we usually make our circuit of the carousel, curious kids museum, and the playlands at DQ and McDonalds. We had fun just being together...its so fun to see Micah's excitement. I'm sure he'll be asking to go back soon.
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