Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Adelyn at 3 months

Ok so I missed the 2 month picture....guess that is what happens with the second child, right?

Here are her 2 month stats:
Weight:11 lb 1.5 oz (52%)
Height:22" (30%)
HC: 15" (27%)

Adelyn is a sweet little girl. After a rough transition the first few months (well a lot of that was due to Micah's sleep issues) things are definitely going much smoother. Yes, it takes more time and more planning to do just about everything but thats ok. I wouldn't say that Adelyn has a set schedule but definitely a pattern she follows. She eats about every 2 1/2 hrs. She has even taken a bottle a few times which is great and allows me to have a little flexibility (or even Corey and I to go on dates w/o feeling quit so tied to the clock). She is sleeping pretty well too....atleast I think so. Lately I have been able to get her down around 9pm and she'll usually do about a 7 hr stretch (8hrs was her longest stretch), eat, then sleep till about 8 or 9 am. Now that is a good night, on a not so great night she'll be up twice, still not horrible though. She goes back down for a nap 1 hr after she wakes up for the morning and then will stay awake during the day for periods of 1 1/2 hrs then back down for a nap. Her first 2 naps are usually in her carseat as the mornings are usually when we get out. She really likes to nap in her swing. I'm starting to try and get her to nap in her bed when we are home though. She is sleeping at night in her crib (she has been since about 1 month as I just cannot sleep with her in our room). Most nights she will fall asleep on her own....though not usually w/o crying. Her evenings still tend to be her fussy time...though much better than when she was a newborn. Otherwise, she is a good baby. I know people will ask if she an easy or hard baby. I would say in the middle I guess. Micah loves his little sister. He always likes to get her when she wakes up in the morning and likes to lay in her crib with her. He likes to "watch" her while I go get diapers or something like that (I can only leave them unattended for about 3 seconds!). He also likes to play with her...well as much as a 3 month old can play. He is usually pretty good with her...though I probably tell him 20 times a day to be gentle and that he needs to take good care of his baby sister! :) I'm sure we'll be telling him that for years to come. She is a sweet girl and we are so thankful she is a part of our family.

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