I'll start the monthly blog post the same way I've started all the others by saying that I can't believe how big Micah is getting! :) It's so true though...he is getting to be such a big boy it's hard to believe. I was just folding some of his 6 month clothes to put away in storage and I was looking at them and they just seemed so tiny. Anyways, I'll try to give you a brief glimpse of our little guy at 10 months old.
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: I'd probably have to say that Micah's all time favorite activity is just being around people. He is such a people person, I think Corey said it best when he said that Micah is energized by being around people. Yesterday we were at Starbucks and we were at Panera today and he LOVED sitting by the windows and waving and talking to all the people as they walked in and out. He loves going to the nursery. We usually are at church most of the morning on Sundays so I will check on Micah in between the services to make sure he is doing ok and he usually just looks at me as if to say I'm having fun and then keeps playing. It's fun to see him playing with other little kids, he has such a sweet personality. Another activity that Micah likes is playing basketball. He has this little basketball hoop that was given to us by a friend and Micah loves it! As you can tell from the pics clothes or not he is having fun. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that Micah also LOVES to play in the toilet. Obviously an activity I discourage but if he is in the bathroom (or even near it for that matter) with me when I am trying to get myself ready he just makes a b-line straight for the toilet. He opens the lid and then splashes around in the water. I am starting to see that he knows he is not supposed to be playing in it b/c often he will wait to see if I am looking at him to see what I will do. Micah also loves welcoming daddy home from work and playing with him. He gets SO excited when Corey walks in the door and has this little dance thing he does every time.

Eating: I would say Micah is about 95% on table food now. He will eat just about whatever we are having for dinner unless it is not baby friendly. For breakfast his favorite is a veggie omlet, for lunch/dinner he likes spaghetti and meatballs or actually pretty much about anything we are having, and some of his favorite snacks are cheese, blueberries, avacados, yogurt, and crackers/cheerios. He feeds himself with his fingers but always likes to hold his own spoon and understands what to do with it just isn't quite there yet. He also drinks a sippy by himself (the kind of sippy that has handles on it works best for him)

On the move: That pretty well sums it up.....Micah is definitely on the move!!!! He is crawling and pulling himself up and will get into absolutely anything he can. He is just starting to take a few steps around furniture and is starting to stand now on his own. He is so cute and gets so proud of himself when he stands that he usually flaps his arms and looses his balance. It will not be long till he is walking.
Sleep: We have a pretty good schedule which I am thankful for. Micah sleeps from about 7 pm-6 am with 2 naps/day (9 am and 2 pm)
Words: Micah loves to "talk" and just jabber to anyone who will listen. His official first word is mama. He mostly says it in the midst of his jabbering but it has been confirmed by others too! I'm sure dada will be coming soon...Micah adores his daddy!
Well....guess that is a pretty good recap. Micah is such a sweet little boy and we are thankful for each day we have with him.
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