It's hard to believe that Micah is 5 months old (I know, I say that every month) yet at the same time it's hard to remember life w/o him! :) He's such a sweet little boy and we are so blessed that he is our son!!!! There haven't really been any major milestones since last month...but I'm sure those are fast approaching. He continues to do pretty well sleeping (now he's usually doing an 8-10 hr stretch,then will eat, and sleep more) and napping (3 naps/day). We no longer have to swaddle him, he is content to sleep in his Halo Sleep Sack. It is so cute when he wakes up after a good night sleep. He will usually just play and talk to himself for a while. Then when Corey or I go to get him out of bed he gets a huge smile when he sees us and gets so excited flailing his arms and kicking! So sweet! We still are not having much success w/ his cereal. He HATES his rice cereal (not that I can blame him) and does only a little bit better w/ oatmeal. I'm thinking we're just going to have to move to veggies and see if he likes that better. He still likes most of his same toys, and of course loves being held. He likes to look at himself in the mirror, eat his fists (or anything he can get his mouth on for that matter), and LOVES being outside. You can see from some of the below pictures that he wanted nothing to do w/ looking at the camera as there were too many exciting things outside to look at!
Here are some more pics of our cute little guy from his 5 month photo shoot!

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