Monday, July 26, 2010

Micah's new cousin

My sister, Shelby, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Emmersyn, last week. I only wish we were closer so we could see her and help out. Hopefully I'll be able to make it down there sometime soon!

Emmersyn Reese Paulk
Born July 20, 2010
9lb 14 oz
21 inches

Saturday, July 24, 2010

5 Months Old

It's hard to believe that Micah is 5 months old (I know, I say that every month) yet at the same time it's hard to remember life w/o him! :) He's such a sweet little boy and we are so blessed that he is our son!!!! There haven't really been any major milestones since last month...but I'm sure those are fast approaching. He continues to do pretty well sleeping (now he's usually doing an 8-10 hr stretch,then will eat, and sleep more) and napping (3 naps/day). We no longer have to swaddle him, he is content to sleep in his Halo Sleep Sack. It is so cute when he wakes up after a good night sleep. He will usually just play and talk to himself for a while. Then when Corey or I go to get him out of bed he gets a huge smile when he sees us and gets so excited flailing his arms and kicking! So sweet! We still are not having much success w/ his cereal. He HATES his rice cereal (not that I can blame him) and does only a little bit better w/ oatmeal. I'm thinking we're just going to have to move to veggies and see if he likes that better. He still likes most of his same toys, and of course loves being held. He likes to look at himself in the mirror, eat his fists (or anything he can get his mouth on for that matter), and LOVES being outside. You can see from some of the below pictures that he wanted nothing to do w/ looking at the camera as there were too many exciting things outside to look at!

Here are some more pics of our cute little guy from his 5 month photo shoot!

My brother (Kolby) told me about this website and there are some pretty funny awkward family photos on it. Though I shouldn't laugh too hard b/c I definitely think these pictures could qualify. I am a little bit late on this post as these pics are from when we were home in MI over Memorial Day.

The story goes something like this....we only had one evening all together at my moms so of course we needed to get a family picture. Well, it was the end of the day and we'd been on the lake and were all hot and sweaty (they dont' have air in their old house). So...none of really felt like getting a picture and by this point we definitely didn't feel like getting cleaned up and putting nice clothes on. So, we all decided we would just go "as is". Hence the work out clothing, bathing suits, etc. Well, my step-dad, Jeff, was going along with this plan but my mom was not. So she told him he had to go and put something nice on. So, out he comes wearing this...

So, you can imagine how well that went over. After this photo my mom proceeded to tell Jeff that he needed to "take that off". And as you can imagine he then came out like this....

We all thought it was pretty funny, however I'm not sure my mom found it too amusing! :) So, we managed to get a somewhat normal picture though I'm still hoping this doesn't show up for next year's Christmas Card!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Swimming with Daddy AND Mommy

We took Micah to Target to get him a little floaty raft for the pool. It is a little big for him but we wanted to get something he could use next year as well. He loved it and had fun floating around in the pool! While at Target Corey also took Micah down the "Nerf Aisle" to show him all the cool toys they were going to have fun playing with in a few years!

Swimming with Daddy

and Mommy

and sporting Daddy's shades

Now it's Corey's turn! :)

Drying off. Time to go inside and get ready for bed!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Swimming with Daddy

As I've mentioned before Micah LOVES his bath. He loves to splash around and really just seems to like being in the water. So....we've been wanting to get him out to the pool for a while. The problem is it is 110-115 degrees in Phoenix now. We waited until about 6:30 one evening last week when the sun was behind the building to take Micah out for an evening dip. He loved it!! I wish I could take him out more but the sun and the heat are just too intense during the summer. Oh well, I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to swim down the road.

Future Butler Bulldog????

Who knows! But for now Micah is supporting his daddy's alma mater.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July

....and Happy 12th Birthday to my sister, Lily!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

4 Months Old

Our little guy is already 4 months old and getting SO big!!!

His stats are as follows: Weight:15#1 oz (50%), Length:26 1/4" (90%), Head Circumference:16 1/2 (25-50%). He has remained very consistent from birth with his percentiles.

We are still discovering his personality but when he is happy he is very happy and when he is not he definitely lets you know it. He is very smiley and has an adorable laugh which often comes out as a squeal. He is finally sleeping SO much better (which is GREAT for all of us!). I guess we are somewhat to blame b/c for 4 out of the past 5 weeks we were traveling and Micah had no schedule whatesoever. However since we've been home and gotten him back on a schedule he has been napping and sleeping great. He takes 3 naps/day that are usually 1-1 1/2 hours long and at night he sleeps for about 8-9 hours then eats and sleeps for 2 more. The only bad part is that the 8-9 hour stretch falls at about 4 am but he will usually go right back down and sleep until 6:30ish. He is in such a happy mood when he wakes up in the morning. He loves to lay in our bed and laugh, talk, play, kick, etc. So cute! We still swaddle him for naps and bedtime as he sleeps so much better. Actually he can break out of his miracle blanket, so we swaddle him and then put him in his Halo Sleep Sack. Poor baby looks like he is missing his arms, but hey, it works!

He isn't rolling over yet but I think he is getting close as he can get himself on his side. He sits up pretty well with light support so I am sure that isn't far off either. He is also fascinated with his hands and feet and likes to "eat" his fist.

Sitting up like a big boy...

Below are some pics of things Micah loves. He has a circuit consisting of his swing, bumbo seat, boppy seat, play mat, and exersaucer. He will usually have fun for a short period of time in each of these activities and then all he wants to do is be held. By far he still is happiest when he is being held. He also still LOVES his bath!!! I wish it wasn't so hot here in Phoenix b/c think he would really like the pool. He also had his first ocean experience as we were in FL recently.

We attempted cereal for the first time but as you can see Micah wanted nothing to do with it. He was more interested in eating his bib. I actually tried cereal again but couldn't even get his bib on without Micah screaming. Oh well....we'll try again in week or so.