Saturday, August 29, 2009

11 week ultrasound

I had my first MD appointment 8/11/09. It was my first time to this practice so most of the time was spent going over my medical history, etc. Anyways, we saw the NP and being new to this practice I asked if they were going to do an ultrasound. She said they are pretty conservative when it comes to ultrasounds and typically will do one the entire pregnancy at 18-20 weeks to make sure everything looks good and determine the sex. (Oh, and by the way, we will be finding out the sex) Anyways, she told me that if I wanted to she could bring the ultrasound machine in and we could take a quick peek at the baby. To make a long story short...she couldn't find the baby or hear the heartbeat. She kept reassuring us that it was just her (as she doesn't typically do the ultrasounds) and that I was definitely pregnant. BUT, needless to say, after that she scheduled for a "real" ultrasound 2 days later.

So, here are a few pics of the baby at 11 weeks. When we first started the ultrasound the baby was sleeping but the tech tapped my stomach and woke the baby up so we got to see him/her moving around! What a miracle!!!

(Left click to enlarge images)

At 11 weeks the baby was 2 inches (not counting the legs), the little baby feet were 7 mm, and the heart rate was 158 bpm.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of's about time. I'm so glad you've started one so I can keep up with my little neice or nephew (you guys too) and feel that I'm close even when I'm not.
