We went to Coronado Island and spent some time walking around the Hotel Del Coronado.

Another great thing about San Diego...fresh Seafood. Corey and I headed downtown and ate on the water at Anthony's Fish Grotto. Ymmmm!

We stayed here in Vista. It was a great place....kind of like a bed and breakfast minus the breakfast. We actually ended up staying in the guest house which wasn't as nice as the main house but great to have our own place.

Ahhhh...the BEACH!! It was a little cool for beach weather but with the temps in the 110's here in Phoenix we weren't complaining!
Baby had lots of firsts on this trip (we've been keeping track of some of "baby's first"). Baby's first trip to CA, baby's first lobster dinner, baby's first time kayaking with the sharks (I know..doesn't sound like an overly safe activity, but don't worry the sharks were perfectly harmless!) and more!!

I'll leave you with this picture as I think it pretty well sums things up, don't you? Haha. Corey and I somehow got in the tradition or capturing this "pose" on camera everytime we go somewhere! I'm sure you'll see this pose show up in many more posts! :)