Its hard to believe that Adelyn (our little "Addie Girl") is going to be 2 in just few months. She isn't a baby anymore. She is very sweet but you can definitely tell she is approaching the 2 year mark as we have our fair share of tantrums (ie screaming and down flat on the ground and of course its usually over the important things like when i tell her no more chocolate milk or when i tell her to be done with my lipgloss, etc). She definitely has quite the personality and is full of life--from the moment she wakes up till the moment she goes to bed. She loves her babies and her de-des (blankies). She will often carry multiple dolls and multiple blankies around with her wherever she goes and has a bed full at night when she sleeps. She is definitely a girly girl and loves bags (think purse) that she an stuff full of whatever, lipgloss, nail polish, jewerly, shoes (she usually likes to pick her shoes and will wear multiple pairs each day), etc. Yet at the same time she is pretty rough and tough. She wrestles with Daddy (and yes usually ends up hurt) and is just as wild and crazy as Micah is. She loves to play with Micah---and by play I mean take his toys and throw them across the room (which as you can imagine doesn't go over too well but gives many opportunities to teach Micah that even though someone doesn't treat you right you can still do the right thing back---never a shortage of teaching opportunities now only if I can be patient enough to cease them instead of get frustrated). But anything that he does she has to do. If he is a firefighter with his boots she needs boots too, if he is a football player she needs a jersey, if he laughs she laughs, if he runs she runs, etc. She loves to talk about how Daddy got a "pie in the eye" at family camp and how Papa went in the dunk tank (she talks about this seriously all day long). She has to do everything her self--"no mommy I do it" is what I hear all day long. Which is wonderful except that she gets so frustrated and mad when she cannot do it and then refuses my help. She is a great helper around the house and loves to clean (sweep, wipe the floors/counters), put stuff away, shut the cabinet doors, throw garbage away, etc. I am not sure she fully understands that I am pregnant but she does know that there is a baby in mamas tummy. It is so cute b/c she will often say that she wants to see the baby and lift my shirt up to give the baby a kiss or she will share her juice with the baby (and her and Micah will crack up when they ask if they can give the baby a pie in the eye!). She is a sweet little girl, yes a handful at times (ok most of the time which I know is a lot due to her age), but we love Adelyn and are thankful she is a part of our family!!