Wednesday, May 1, 2013

15 years....

Have I told you lately that I have an amazing husband?  Well, I do!

Last week (4/23/13) on our calendar (we share a google calendar so we can both keep track of what is going on) it was marked for a 6 pm fundraiser at a local restaurant for an organization our church supports.  I didn't think too much of it, actually at first I thought Corey was just going but then he told me his mom was coming over to watch the kids so I could go too.  So, anyways, to make a long story short his mom comes over and we head downtown St. Joe to Ryebelle's for the fundraiser.  Or so I thought.  We arrive and Corey told the hostess that there were just 2 of us which I thought was a little odd.  Anyways, I put the pieces together and realized that Corey had planned a surprise special night for just the two of us to celebrate our 15 year anniversary (well that is 15 years from our first date).   I was really surprised and touched by his incredible thoughtfulness.  He handed me a journal with a letter in it.  Not only was it 15 years from our first date but the restaurant we were in actually used to be the old Elks Club and that was the exact location where we went to a Key Club meeting when I was a sophomore and he was a junior in HS that lead to our first date the next night. Later that night we came home and he had rented the movie we watched together on our first date.    It was very special.  And I am so thankful that God blessed me with such a wonderful husband!

Then (1998)

Now (4.24.13)

A few tid bits from 1998 (just to make you feel really old :)
Gas price $1.15/gallon 
Google was invented

Part of the letter Corey had written...
"I wasn't even sure if I was going to call you back after that first date on Apr 24 1998.  But I took a risk and I called..and now, 2 kids later and a boatload of memories later here we are.  Two people much different than those 2 clueless teens who sat in this same room 15 years ago, yet 2 people who have matured greatly in our faith, life, and relationship.  Two people with a deep committed love for each other still discovering what God fully means by and intends a companion to be in marriage." 

1 comment:

  1. Awww I love it - I remember you guys back then. Cannot believe it's been 15 years! Congrats!!!
