Our sweet little girl is getting so big--17 months now (well soon to be). If I had to pick one word to describe Adeylyn it would be "sweet" (I mean look at that huge smile in all her pics!) though don't let her fool you she can be a feisty one too (read if she doesn't get her way she will be sprawled on the ground throwing a tantrum)! She is much more cuddly than Micah ever has been and loves to snuggle with her de-de (blankie). She is also very girly (even her Bible Study teacher commented that she has never seen a 1 1/2 year old who is so girly and who loves accessories like she does...) loving hair bows (and will bring one to me if she isn't wearing one), lotion, nail polish, jewelry, shoes, etc. However, she also has a big brother so of course she is a fan of playing cars and trucks too. She is starting to say lots of words now (mama, dada, bubby (brother), papa, juice, milk, drink, please, thank you, hi, bye, baby, dog, bus, uh-oh, bath, all done, Addie, and more). She likes to point out her eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair. She LOVES her brother!!! They are starting to have lots of fun playing together---though to leave them playing unattended means she ends up getting hurt. She loves babies and dogs and buses and is thrilled when she sees any of these. She loves to swing and play in the sand (yeah for summer!!!!) and loves bathtime. She has 3 books she likes (Too Purplely- which used to be the only book she would let us read-,Moo Baa La La La, and Llama Llama Red Pajama). She is not a fan of her stroller--we still take lots of walks though and just make sure to have plenty of snacks on hand. She is a VERY picky eater---I have a hard time getting her to eat many fruits (she will eat pears and a banana if its smoothered in peanut butter) and veggies (she likes carrots, peas, and sometimes canned green beans). She would live on carbs if she could--oh yeah and fruit snacks (thats what grandparents are for right?). She still loves for me to hold her all the time and will hang on my legs if I can't. She takes one nap/day (usually 2+ hrs which is great b/c Micah does the same at the same time!) and sleeeps from about 7:30 or 8 pm till 7 am ish. We are so thankful for this little girl and thankful that God has entrusted her into our care. We pray often that she would come to know Christ at an early age and that she would grow to love and live for Him and not the things of this world!