If you ask Adelyn to smile (or specifically show you her big smile) this is what you will get. It is so stinkin' cute! Now Micah on the otherhand is a differnt story...he may smile or he may look away. She is such a snuggly and affectionate little girl. She loves to be snuggled, loves to give kisses (last night we had some friends over for dinner and before bed she needed to give everyone--even our friends--all kisses goodnight), loves her blankies, and is just so sweet! Micah on the otherhand is incredibly sweet (when he wants to be) but is NOT by any stretch of the imagination outwardly affectionate. He does not give hugs (though he does like when I give him a giant bear hug), does not give kisses and if you try to give him a kiss he will not be happy (and if you are successful he will for sure wipe it off--he eve wipes mine off!) He is a great big brother though who looks out for Adelyn and is very sweet to her (again when he want to be). He will often hold her hand and walk with her--which she loves. We had to swich the van for the car for the day and he was so excited to be riding in the car close enough to her to hold her hand. Another one of their favorite things to do together is dance. Micah is currently obsessed with the Veggie Tales Jonah soundtrack (like to the point where I am even singing the songs when the CD is not on) and it is just hilarious to see them dance to it. Adelyn does this head bop thing--it is just too cute. I'm still attempting to get a video. We OFTEN have to remind him what it means to be a good big brother b/c Adelyn is at that age when she is into everything of his. They are so sweet though and it is so fun to see their different personalities develop and watch them grow together.
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