Sidenote--please excuse the disgustingly dirty oven. As soon as I saw this picture I cleaned the front of the oven. Children and stainless steel do not go well together!!! :)
At her one year check up Adelyn weighed 19 lb 9 oz (45%), was 29 in tall (41%) and her head was 17 in (38%) around. So she is about average even though she does seem like a little peanut (think its just her petite features). It took an ENTIRE year for Adelyn to start sleeping through the night (and by sleeping through the night I mean 12-13 hrs) but once she did once she started sleeping awesome. We are SOOOO thankful to be back to getting full nights sleep!!!!! She is taking a morning and an afternoon nap as well.
She is in the stage of being into absolutely everything. I was just telling a friend today how Adelyn will go to every room in the house and systematically destroy it. If there is a drawer to be emptied or a shelf/cabinet to be cleared she will not leave anything unturned. She really likes to pick things up and put them into a basket/container and then empty them and pick them up, etc. This will keep her occupied for a few minutes. She also really likes to play in that basket you see her in in the picture. She of course likes to get into Micah's stuff (which does not make him happy) and if there is something she wants and does not get she will let you know. Something happened when she turned one and she definitely got her own opinion and isn't afraid to let you know it! haha We have already had our fair share of tantrums in which she will throw herself to the ground. She is very dramatic!!
She still is our sweet little Adelyn though!!!! She loves to snuggle and kiss her doll. She squeals with delight when I pick her up from nursery or when daddy gets home or when she sees Micah after he has woken up.
She is starting to say a few words--mama, dada, bye-bye. She can sign more and all done which is sufficient for us. And when all else fails she says uh-uh-uh-uh a million times and we eventually figure out what it is she wants! :)
It will be fun to see her grow and her personality develop as it does so much during this time!
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