Don't I tell you every month how sweet she is? Well, I guess I'll do it again b/c she is just SO sweet! Not too much new to report. She is standing on her own now and it will only be a matter of days till she takes a real first step. She continues to get into everything, she still wakes once a night to eat (3 am every night....grrr), she loves to play with Micah and Daddy, and this girl loves carbs (we are now back to where we cant put the bread/rolls on the table until after we eat b/c she goes crazy when she sees bread). She also loves to wave and it is so adorable. We all stand at the window as Corey leaves for work and Adelyn just loves to wave bye-bye. One of her other current thing she does is she crawls away really fast and then if you call her name she stops, sits on her bottom, waves, and then takes off again. I keep trying to get it on video but anyime I get the camera out she won't do it.
Can't believe my little girl is getting so big!!!
Cruise 2016
8 years ago
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