At 16 months Micah continues to be such a sweet, loving, out-going, and incredibly energetic little guy. After our recent trip to San Diego (which I will blog about soon) Corey gave Micah the nickname "Mad Dog", Micah Mad Dog Kugle...has a nice ring huh??? He is quit a handful but we love him.
Micah loves dogs, fans, trucks and any other big vehicle, lawn mowers, reading books, wrestling with daddy, piggyback rides, swimming, being outside,going for walks, the park and the beach, music, the sprinkler, pots and pans and of course kitchen utensils...and so much more. Micah gets so excited when we are outside and sees a dog. You will be able to see from some of the pics below that he noticed that dogs stick out their tongues and pant and so now he does the same thing. It is really cute. He also continues to be obsessed with fans. First thing in the morning when he wakes up he has to go to every room in the house to make sure the fans are on...he just can't function until all the fans are on. He loves to wave at cars/trucks that drive by on the road and say bye. I have even put a stool in front of our window facing the road so he can watch the cars drive by and also say hi to the neighbors. He continues to be such an out-going little guy and he just loves people (especially other kids his age). If we are out to dinner (which let me tell you is not all that fun with him these days) he just wants down so he can walk around to every table and say hi. And if we are out and there is another little kid he will get right in their face so he can say hi. And babies too, he loves babies. Micah will give hugs and kisses, though he is a bit stingy with those. He does love to hug grandpa though. Micah has tons of energy....I wish I had even half of it. He loves to run and just doesn't stop until he is in bed.
He is jabbering all the time now and has several words. He says mama, dada, hi, bye, more (it sounds like mama but he usually signs it as well), mow-mow (lawn mower), amen (which he says after we are done praying it is so cute), ball, uh-oh (which he says often and especially if he sees a fan that isn't on), no-no (he says it in a very cute manner but also in a way in which he really means no) and I'm sure more that I am forgetting. He also knows where his teeth, ears, eyes, nose, and head are. One of his favorite songs is This Little Light of Mine and he even does the hand motion.
Micah is on a pretty good schedule. I'd say it was close to 15 months before he gave up his morning nap but now he just takes one nap daily. Usually around 11:30 or 12 and he will sleep for 2+ hours. He goes to bed around 7:30 and sleeps till 6:30 or 7. I'd say he is also a pretty good eater though he is hit or miss. One night he may love something and the next he will have nothing to do with it. Though if it is bread he will never turn that down. Meat is probably the hardest thing I have getting him to eat.
Here are some pics of the little guy...
We spent Memorial Day up at my mom's on Gull Lake. It was a beautiful day so we were able to get out on the lake and even grilled some steaks...ymmm. Corey, Jori, and Kolby went tubbing. The rest of us hung out on the boat. This was Micah's first boat ride and he slept through the whole thing.

We also celebrated my sister's (Jori) 16th birthday with a surprise party at Chilis. Hard to believe that she turned 16 considering she was only 3 when Corey and I started dating.

Micah enjoying the warm weather in the backyard. He also got his first experience with a Popsicle.
(you can see in this pic not only how messy he was with his popsicle but also that he is signing for more)

We made a trip to Indy to visit our good friends Craig, Angela, and Nolan. We didn't have tons of time but it was fun as usual to be together. Nolan is just about 3 months older than Micah and they had so much fun playing together. We even got to go to the zoo which was lots of fun.

(I'm not sure why these pics are so small but if you blow this one up you will notice Micah is imitating their dog)

Micah on the stool watching for cars and for our neighbors to wave to.
Well, guess that's a good overview for you and moreso for me so i can remember what our sweet little Micah was like a 16 months.
awwww what a precious little boy!!! :) Great update!! :) You sure have been busy!