Micah continues to be a sweet little baby (well most of the time). He eats well and on average eats every 3 1/2-4 hours. Probably the biggest thing we still struggle with is sleep, though he is making strides. I would say he averages around a 5-6 hour stretch at night (last night it was only 4 but then a few nights ago it was 7 1/2 which was his longest). His naps are sporadic though. He'll usually go down well for his morning nap and then the rest of the day is up in the air. Sometimes he just cries and screams, sometimes he'll go down and then sleep for 15 minutes, sometimes he'll sleep well, and other times after many failed attempts and an hour or more later I just give up put him in his Moby Wrap and he'll sleep for a good couple of hours. I'm sure this too shall pass.
As far as other milestones I can't really think of any big ones. As I said in the previous post he does smile but not very often. He has laughed twice but both times were in his sleep, it was so cute though. He still LOVES his baths and cries when I take him out. He LOVES the Moby Wrap and he is also still liking his swing and the mobile. His new favorite activity is sitting in his "Kick-and-Play" bouncy seat. It plays music and has lights and little dangly toys...he'll often sit in it for a half hour or so just smiling and kicking!
Other than that, no major updates to report.
Here's some attempts to get a 2 month picture...he just wasn't having it.

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