Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2 months old

I'm about a week behind, but Micah had his 2 month well-child visit and we are thankful that he is growing and healthy! His stats are as follows: Weight: 11lbs 8 oz (50%), Length: 24 1/4" (90%), Head Circumference: 15 1/4" (10-25%). He had to get four shots, poor little thing, but he actually did great. He screamed b/c I think it shocked him but as soon as I picked him up he was fine. His legs seemed to bother him later that day but with a little tylenol he was back to his normal self.

Micah continues to be a sweet little baby (well most of the time). He eats well and on average eats every 3 1/2-4 hours. Probably the biggest thing we still struggle with is sleep, though he is making strides. I would say he averages around a 5-6 hour stretch at night (last night it was only 4 but then a few nights ago it was 7 1/2 which was his longest). His naps are sporadic though. He'll usually go down well for his morning nap and then the rest of the day is up in the air. Sometimes he just cries and screams, sometimes he'll go down and then sleep for 15 minutes, sometimes he'll sleep well, and other times after many failed attempts and an hour or more later I just give up put him in his Moby Wrap and he'll sleep for a good couple of hours. I'm sure this too shall pass.

As far as other milestones I can't really think of any big ones. As I said in the previous post he does smile but not very often. He has laughed twice but both times were in his sleep, it was so cute though. He still LOVES his baths and cries when I take him out. He LOVES the Moby Wrap and he is also still liking his swing and the mobile. His new favorite activity is sitting in his "Kick-and-Play" bouncy seat. It plays music and has lights and little dangly toys...he'll often sit in it for a half hour or so just smiling and kicking!

Other than that, no major updates to report.

Here's some attempts to get a 2 month picture...he just wasn't having it.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What could be better....

than reading the Sunday paper with daddy!

Say Cheese...

After several attempts I finally got him smiling. Micah does not smile very often, we think he is going to be a serious little guy. Corey calls him our little intellectual...however since it took me 3 attempts to correctly spell intellectual I don't think he has it in his genes! :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Grandma Merchant

My grandma (Esther Merchant, my mom's mom) passed away this past week. She was 78 years old and lived in Allegan, MI. Her health had been declining especially over the past 5 years and this year she just started dialysis. She has been in and out of the hospital but on her most recent admission to the hospital she decided that she was going to stop all of her treatments. She went home on hospice and lived only 36 hours. We went back to MI this past weekend for her visitation and funeral. It was a quick trip but we were glad we could be there. It was not only a time to grieve her loss but evenmoreso a time to celebrate her life. It was also a reminder to me that life is so short in the scope of eternity. I think that all of us need to be reminded of that. Too often as we go about our daily life we think that this is all there is but what a tragedy to live that way. I have hope knowing that my Grandma is in heaven, not because she was a good person or because she went to church but because she had a personal relationship with Jesus. For that we were able to celebrate.

I really wished that we had more time to spend at home since we were making the trip. However, Corey is trying to finish up his semester and is swamped with schoolwork. SO, we were basically gone for a little over 48 hours. It was great to get to see some family though and get to introduce Micah to many who had not met him yet. He still has lots more family to meet but we are planning a trip home later this spring/summer.

A picture of my Grandma (in blue) from our wedding. (I couldn't find my other CD from our wedding to get a better picture)

Micah and Uncle Kolby

Micah and Aunt Britton (Micah had two diaper explosions while we were home and both were while Britton was holding him! :)

Micah and Aunt Shelby. Unfortunately only Shelby was able to come home as Ty stayed in WV with Riley and Lincoln so Micah didn't get to meet them. We are hoping to do our next trip back to MI when they will be home so we can see them and Micah will get to meet them (or should I say "Baby Micah" as Riley calls him)

Micah with his new puppy from Grandma and Grandpa Kugle

Micah and Aunt Lily

Micah and Grandma

Micah and Great Grandpa Merchant. My Grandma and Grandpa were married 61 years, how awesome is that!

Micah and Grandma

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Micah's week in review

Jori came out for a few days over her Spring Break to meet Micah and spend time with us/him! It was fun to have her here and I am so glad she was able to meet Micah...she was great with him! I had to laugh when she was holding him and telling him how when he comes to visit her she will spoil him and how much fun they will have together. She told him she'd give him all the candy he wants, take him jet skiing, take him shopping, etc. I reminded her that he is a boy and won't like shopping so she told him they could play football! :) Micah is SO blessed to have so many people who love him!

Speaking of's a few pics of Micah having fun with Daddy! (don't mind Corey's fro:)

We also rooted on Butler's basketball team (where Corey went to school) this past week. They played MSU in the Final Four and won and then they played Duke in the National Championship Game and unfortunately lost by 1 point. Corey is actually also a MSU fan but was rooting for his alumni this time. Here are a few pics of some Butler fans and also one little fan.

We celebrated Good Friday and Easter this past weekend. What an awesome time to celebrate what God did for us and how we can have a relationship with him through His Son. On Good Friday we remember the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made with his life in order to forgive us of our sins and on Easter we celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead conquering death and proving that He is God. How awesome it is that not only can we be assured of eternal life with Him but that we can have the only true meaning in this for Him!

A funny story....after our Easter church service we went to some friends to celebrate and have lunch. Of course right as lunch was starting Micah needed to problem, I went and fed him. However the problem was that as I was feeding him he had a MAJOR explosion in his diaper. Like the kind where it leaked thru his diaper, thru his outfit onto my outfit, up his back...yeah, that type of blow-out. So of course, do you think I have a spare outfit (or even a onesie) for him? Nope! Micah got to spend his first Easter celebration wearing nothing but a diaper. I wish I had some before pics for you b/c he looked so handsome all dressed up but all I have is this after photo!

6 Weeks Old