I am overjoyed to announce that our sweet baby boy, Micah, was born Friday February 19 2010 at 4:24 a.m. He weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 21" long and is absolutely beautiful! :) We thank God for a healthy little baby! His name, Micah, is Hebrew and means "there is no one like God". We continue to pray as we have the past 9 months that this little guy will grow up to know the truth of his name!
So...here is how the story goes. Thursday morning I woke up with some contractions. They seemed mild so I debated about going to work, but Corey thought I should probably stay home (good thing). The contractions were consistent for about 2 hours but weren't really severe. So, I called the MD office (b/c I didn't want to go to the hospital and be sent home if it wasn't the real thing) and they said it sounded like the real thing but to keep track of them for another couple of hours. Over the course of the two hours the contractions were about 1 minute long and 5 minutes apart and were definitely intensifying. At that point I knew it was the real thing. Now Micah's due date was March 3rd and I guess I just really didn't think he would come early. So, with that being said we weren't quit as prepared as we should have been. Corey had a huge oral exam for seminary on February 23rd so I wanted to wait till that was over so he could focus on studying (by the way...he passed and not only passed but did GREAT!). Anyways, as I was having contractions Corey was outside installing the carseat and in between contractions we were packing our hospital bags! Haha! I would not necessarily recommend that approach!
We arrived at Banner Desert Hospital at around 4:30 pm where I went to triage and was already 5 cm dilated. I got admitted and first things first....got my epidural! Ahhh....I honestly can't imagine not having an epidural, but I know everyone has their own opinion on that. By 9pm I was fully dilated however I didn't start pushing until 1:30 am. Three reasons why, first Micah was still high up so they wanted to wait a little while to see if he would drop, secondly I was positive for Group B Strep so I needed to get atleast 2 doses of IV Penicillin in before he was born, and lastly, it was a busy night ( I think there were 13 babies born) so my MD was busy. Since I had my epidural I wasn't in pain and was actaully able to sleep a little while I waited. Next came an exhausting what seemed like never-ending THREE hours of pushing. That little guy just didn't want to come out! After he was born we realized that he was "sunny-side up" (posterior to be technical which means he was face up instead of face down) so that is why it was so difficult to deliver him. Well, that and I was thoroughly exhausted. However after about 2.5 hours they started talking C-section so I think that gave me a little more motivation to keep on pushing. Corey was front and center for the birth. During labor it was actually just me, the RN, and him until the final moments when the MD arrived to actually deliver the baby. So, Corey was right there holding my leg up and was able to see Micah be born. What a joy! Afterwards he said something to the effect of "I never thought I would know you
that well"..isn't that the truth! For him seeing our little boy be born was a mix of excitement, amazement, and shock! What an awesome thing to be able to share with him. I am so thankful for Corey and for the support and encouragement he was to me. Not only that but from the moment Micah was born he has been such an amazing dad! Micah is one blessed little boy to have such an incredible father who loves him so much!
We are SO thankful to so many of you for your thoughts, emails, texts, and most of all prayers! Thanks for sharing in this special time in our life!!!!!
Here are a few pics....

The proud parents

Our little "Micah Bear"

Look at that sweet little face!

First car ride

Haha, yes, we gave in to the pacifier!

Our little "burrito man"...swaddled and out like a light!

Ahhh...I love sleeping on Daddy's chest!

Thanks for coming to visit Grandma!

A common theme around our house, sleepy mom and baby

First bath

Trip to the park. Gotta love AZ winters!
Micah had his fist MD appointment on Tuesday 2/23/10 and weighed 6 lb 15 oz (25%) was 21" long (90%) and had a head circumference of 12 1/3" (25%). When he left the hospital he weighed 6lb 11 oz so he put on 4 oz which was great. He also had an appointment on 2/26/10 to get his weight checked and he weighed 7 lb and 3 oz. He is still a little guy, but is gaining weight and doing GREAT!!!
So, right now we are just adjusting to life with a newborn. It is an exhausting time, but such a special time. I want to cherish each moment (even the 3 am feedings) because I know in no time at all he will be grown up.