Friday before Memorial Day Micah, Adelyn, and I headed downtown with Nancy for the Memorial Day Parade. The weather was perfect so we staked our blanket and had a little picnic lunch and enjoyed the parade. It was a very small parade but since there was a fire engine and police car and motorcyles it was a hit. And as a side note...Nancy brought the "side dishes" for our picnic and we got hot dogs out. We had a bogo coupon for a coney dog so we each got one but not before the man behind the counter could tell us what they are really made of. If you don't know and you like coney dogs you may not want to know. I could barely stomach mine and felt sick even though it tasted good!!! :) You can see below that Micah had no problem with his hot dog. He even enjoyed "dipping" it in the cooler of ice...gross I know!
Here is sweet little Adelyn having fun (ok probably for about 5 minutes) in her exersaucer.
We also had a little parade in our neighborhood on Memorial Day. All the kids can decorate their bikes/wagons/strollers, etc and then we did a loop around our neighborhood and headed to a neighbors for refreshments. The neighbor who is a farmer even brought his tractor along which was big hit! It was fun and a great way to get to know some of our neighbors better.
We also made our 2nd annual trip to Chicago to meet up with Jessica (Corey's sister) and her fiancee (Matt) and go the the Lincoln Park Zoo and Pei Wei for dinner. It was a great day and I'm sure we'll be doing it again next year!
We have also been enjoying lots of time downtown at the beach, carousel, getting ice cream, playing on the playground, and playing at the fountain.
The cutest little firefighter you ever did see! There was a firetruck that came while we were at one of Corey's softball games. They let the kids get in the firetruck, gave them each hats, and spent probably 20 minutes letting the kids check it out. Micah was thrilled!
Now that summer is here we've also been doing our fair share of grilling out. I picked up this kids grill at a gargae sale for $1 so now Micah gets to grill with Daddy!

And our most recent summer happening--hand, mouth, foot disease! This has not been fun...poor little guy is just miserable which translates to us all being miserable! It started Saturday night but just looked like a few bug bites on his feet and him complaining of his mouth (which I translated as throat and was thinking strep) hurting. By the time I got him in on Monday it was really bad--his poor little feet (esp the bottoms of them) are covered and it had spread to his legs, elbows, hands, and mouth. He spent most of Sat/Sun crying and screaming and unable to sleep or eat. We've basically just been doing benadryl before naps/bedtime and tylenol and oatmeal baths. Not to mention lots of ice cream and popsicles. He is starting to feel better (though still hurting) and his doc said he isn't contagious anymore so hopefully we'll be able to get back to doing things soon and he'll be back to his old self. It doesn't help either that Adelyn is sick...she was also miserable today with a fever and bad cold. I had her looked at Monday thinking she had something going on but her ears and throat were ok.

Glad summer is just beginning and we still have lots of fun times ahead of us!