Monday, April 30, 2012

Adelyn at 4 months

Height: 24" (36%)
Weight 13 lb 8 oz (42%)
HC: 15.75" (20%)

I was talking to my mom the other day and she said that she couldn't believe that Adelyn was already 4 months old.  I told her that was funny b/c Corey had just told me it feels like Adelyn should be 4 years old! Haha. I think I've mentioned before that we had a rough first few months but things have definitely settled down around here.  Adelyn is so sweet.  She is smiling lots and even laughing which is just so adorable.  She is rolling over and loves it.  The second I put her down on her back she just wants to roll which makes changing diapers a little more difficult.  And she always has a big brother who is cheering her on as she rolls over (and then rolls over himself so I can cheer for him!).  Oh the diaper changing reminds me of a funny story.  As I was changing Adelyn today I left her diaper-less for a few minutes as she has a bad diaper rash. Well of course she went poop in her sleep sack and Micah proceeds to say as I am using tons of wipes to try and clean up the huge mess "that funny...adelyn big potty"!  Though I will say that wasn't as bad as having  to clean up the time last week when I left Micah run around without his diaper and he went poop in the corner.  Guess I should learn my lesson about diaper-less children!

She continues to follow pretty much the same schedule as last month. She still isn't making a whole lot of progress with sleeping at night but its still not bad so I am not complaining. She goes to bed around 7 or 7:30 and sleeps 12 hours usually waking twice (usually midnight-ish and 4-ish) and then wakes for the morning at 7 or 7:30.  On a good night (like last night) she will just wake once. She takes 4 naps per day...three short (30-45 min) and one long (about 2 1/2 hrs).  And the best thing is usually her long nap is the same time as Micah's so that gives me a bit of a break during the day to either get stuff done or take a nap.  She definitely likes to be held and will let you know that she is not happy when you put her down. She is not really liking her swing or bouncy seats but will sit in a bumbo for a short period of time.  She had a good 4 month check up today...the hardest part besides her having to get shots (and being incredibly fussy the rest of the day) was keeping Micah at hand. He actually did pretty well today as we went to the store and got a donut prior to the appointment and I had him strapped in the stroller eating his donut during the appointment.  He had fun!  It is fun to see Micah and Adelyn interact.  He is really a good brother though as I've already said he is definitely not overly gentle.  I guess thats a brief upate of our sweet little girl at 4 months.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


4 month birthday to Adelyn
13th birthday to McKenna
14 year anniversary to Corey and I (well, 14 years from our 1st date...I know this b/c on our 1 year anniversary we went and saw McKenna in the hospital on the day she was born!)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Silly Boy

A colander aka "noodle hat"!!  Gotta love the imagination of a 2 year old!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Oh Micah--Part 2!!

This may be an on-going post! No, Micah did not insult someone else tonight but he did pull the fire alarm while we were enjoying a family night out at the carousel! :) He made a b-line and before we knew it the lights and the siren were going off and the man operating the carousel was making an announcement something to the effect of "please dismount your carousel horse". Corey quick went over and told him that Micah had pulled it and he made another announcement to the effect of "ok nevermind we found who pulled the alarm" Oh Micah! :)

Oh Micah!!!

Micah is in a phase right now where he either likes to say hi to everyone he sees or else when someone says hi to him he just looks at them and says "NO" (which by the way may possibly be his favorite word!). Well yesterday while grocery shopping at Meijer may have been the only time I wished he was in one of his "NO" moods as opposed to saying hi to everyone. He not only wanted to say hi but he wanted to say 'hi man" or "hi lady". Ok well no problem except when he gets it wrong. We walked by a heavy-set middle age woman with a really short hair cut and Micah blurts out "hi boy". She said hi and I was just hoping she didn't actually catch what he said. I told him he should just say hi and didn't need to say boy or man or lady hoping to avoid this issue. Well, of course know how you get on the same shopping path as someone and keep seeing them in every aisle. Of course this was the case and we passed this lady in the next aisle to which Micah again said "hi boy" and again in the next aisle "hi boy". She just kept smiling and saying hi so I am really hoping she didn't hear/understand what he said but I felt bad. Oh Micah! :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Fun day with daddy

Corey will often have evening meetings and even some Saturdays that he has to work. However, he is able to take time off during the week to compensate. So last week he took a day off and we had a fun morning at the park, at the kids museum, and going out to lunch! I am so thankful he is SUCH an awesome dad! :)

This boy loves his trucks!!!!

So you can imagine how THRILLED he was when we spent Easter Sunday with my extended family in Allegan at my uncles who owns a trucking company!!!