So finally at almost 20 months Micah needed a haircut. He had been bald for so long that since he finally got some hair I wanted to wait for a haircut. However, it was starting to grow over his ears so it was time.
The before: (ok...this is slightly exaggerated as I don't normally put the hair over his ears but wanted you to see how long it actually was)
The haircut: He wasn't a big fan. However I let him play in the sink with bubbles (soap) so this kept him occupied for a few seconds.

The after: The finished product. Looks like such a big boy now.
Oh yeah and since I don't think I've posted any pictures of me pregnant this pregnancy (well that's b/c I haven't taken any :) here I am at 29 weeks. Some people tell me I look small and others say I look like I could have the baby any day. Guess I'll have to look back at pics when I was pregnant with Micah for comparison but I'd say I'm about the same size. I just had my 28 week appointment and all continues to go well and the baby appears to be healthy so for that we are thankful. Now I start going every 2 weeks....yikes that means she is gonna be here soon!