This post has taken me FOREVER to put together and it is a bit scattered but I just wanted to get it up. When we were home I thought I lost my camera so I had to borrow and then get the pics so anyways, it's just taken me forever to put it all together. And, by the way, my camera was not lost. It was found on the bottom shelf in the pantry at my dad's house. I was a little suspicious of Riley (my niece) as I had let her use the camera to take some pictures. But I think it pretty much sealed her guilt when I was looking through the pictures and found about 5 she took of the TV when she was watching a disney movie! :)
Anyways....we were so thankful we were able to make a trip back home. Not only was it great to see all our family and some friends but we were also able to introduce Micah to many who had not yet met him. We had 12 days at home, however, divided by 3 the time flies! We started out our time at Corey's parents, then went to my dad's, then up to Gull Lake to my mom's, then back to Corey's parents then back to Phoenix.
Micah did GREAT on the flights...we had him suck on his pacifier during take off and landing which is supposed to help with the pressure but other than that he slept, ate, and was happy. When we first took off he was sitting on Corey's lap and as soon as we picked up some speed he just got these huge bug eyes. You had to be there but it was so funny!
Gull Lake with Grandma and Grandpa Fell, Aunt Jori and Aunt Lily :
We had a great time up at Gull Lake as always! The weather wasn't amazing but we did get to spend some time on the lake and check out the new house my mom and Jeff are building. My mom was great and watched Micah so Corey and I were able to get out on the boat and do some waterskiing. We made sure when planning our trip home to overlap our time with Shelby and her family and Kolby and Britton. It isn't often that we are all home together as Shelby, Ty, Riley and Lincoln now live in WV and Kolby just graduated from Taylor. He and Britton are moving to Lansing as we speak. I was so happy Micah got to meet his cousins and Uncle Ty as well. Riley loves "Baby Micah" and wanted to hold him all the time. Too cute! And as usual Jori and Lily were great with him!

Micah and Grandpa

Grilling with Daddy

Aunt Lily playing with Micah!

Grandma and the grandkids

Cousins: Riley (3 1/2), Micah (3 months), Lincoln (2). Micah will also have another cousin in July as Shelby is due to have baby #3.

Micah and Aunt Jori
Stevensville with Grandma and Grandpa Kugle: We had spent some time w/ Dennis, Nancy, and Jess out here in PHX but it was great to have more time together just the next week. That doesn't happen too often. We made a few trips down to St. Joe and walked around Silver year Micah will be old enough to play but this year he just slept in his stroller. Corey and his dad were also able to get a round of golf. Dennis and Nancy also had a get together at their place for family, friends, and neighbors to meet Micah! So much fun!

4 Generations of Kugles: Dennis, Corey, Micah, Earl

Look Micah and Grandpa have matching shoes! Too cute!

Uncle Dale and Aunt Marlene

Uncle Dean, Aunt Marie, and Kelly (Corey's cousin)

Micah and Aunt Jane

Micah and great grandma (Rose)...her first great grandchild! How cool is it that Micah has 2 great grandmas and 3 great grandpas!

Neighbors (The Althoff's)
Bridgman with Papa and Nani, Aunt McKenna and Aunt Reagan: What a great time we had while at my dad's. We had lots of fun playing Rock Band and Corey got some frisbee in with the girls. We also had a bonfire and made smores! Ymmmm! Jamie watched Micah too so Corey and I took a bike ride to the beach and were able to go to breakfast w/ my dad and the girls. My grammy and grandad also had a Memorial Day cookout and we got to see my Uncle Neal and Aunt Trish and cousins Collin and Karsten. Since all of our family was in town (and as I mentioned that doesn't happen very often these days) we went to the beach and got a few family photos.