Well, sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I guess there haven't really been a whole lot of updates, not to mention I am pretty exhaused most nights after work. Right now it's 5 am and I've been awake since 3:30 so I figured I might as well do a post. I (obviously) still haven't been sleeping well, still waking up throughout the night w/ my back and hips just aching. The heating pad and the wedge pillow which a friend let me borrow have been helping a bit. You sure can get a lot done when you are up at 3:30 though....I've already done a load of laundry, got the roast going for lunch today, did dishes, and now blogging! Haha, I just figured I better do stuff now b/c I will be worthless this afternoon after church.
As far as pregnany updates go the only big thing that is new (well, since about 22 weeks) is that this little guy has been kicking/moving a lot!!! When I feel him move I am just again in awe at the miracle God is allowing us to be a part of!!! Corey has been able to feel him kicking too. A week or so ago Corey said that he felt him kicking at 3 am (while I was sleeping) so he said they stayed up and "played". Haha, I told him that the baby is not allowed to play at 3 am, he's supposed to be sleeping....otherwise I am giving him the 3am shift once the baby is born! :)
I did have an MD appt at 23 weeks and again we are thankful that all went well with nothing to report.
So, guess that's all the news here. I know I need to post a new picture, and I will soon, I promise. I am just not sure the no make-up, wild hair, robe and slippers look I have going right now is the cutest! Haha!