This past weekend Corey and I went to the Savvy Sale, "a children's consignment event and boutique". We weren't able to go until the tail end of the sale so I wasn't sure if it would be worth it or if it would be really picked over. However, it was the 1/2 price sale so I figured we'd give it a shot. When we arrived (after waiting to get in the doors) you would never have known it was the end of the sale there was SO much stuff left. Because we don't know the sex yet, that obviously limited what we were able to buy.....but nonetheless we found some good deals. Here's what we found.

We ended up getting all this for only $45!!!! We got a baby seat, exersaucer, some books, and few toys!

Baby seat that vibrates/plays music/lights up....only $5.

Exersaucer....practically brand new only $15!

This was Corey's pick of the day! haha If you touch the cow's nose it "moooos" and plays music and vibrates! I told Corey it will probably scare the baby...but we've been having fun with it!
I sterilized and washed everything, so now we just need to start finding room to store all the baby gear. I also just saw on the website that the next Sale is in February so hopefully we can make it to that one too!!!